Thursday, July 02, 2009


Just finished Logistics and Site Operations 3 hour lecture.
Didn't listen a word as I was doing other stuffs and have been quite productive.
I really hope that I will get a job at Cotton On. Wish me luck!!
Shall do my other tutorials now. :/

Waiting for my V is tiring.

Online all day long. And I still can't upload photos. Walau ehh.
I am dreading Cross Cultural Studies tomorrow. I have no idea why. Cuz most probably, she'll come up with some ridiculous thing for us to do. Come to think of it, I have a tutorial to complete. OMG freaking lazy.

Back to Typing Maniac. =)

I'm so damn fucking pissed off that I don't know what to say anymore.
I 'booked' the freaking modem at freaking 9pm!! So that I can sleep latest by 11pm. But he only got off NOW. Like freaking ONE HOUR after the time I tell him. WHAT THE FUCK he's not even doing anything important at all!! And I am actually so motivated to finish up my tutorial and there he goes spoiling my mood. Once something like this hits me, my mind will get flooded with all the other stuffs that I try not to think about. And it just gets me frustrated even more. And my fucking sister shouted at me. MY FREAKING YOUNGER SISTER!! Fuck la the more I shout back she'll retaliate even louder. YES MY FREAKING YOUNGER SISTER.

He doesn't reply anymore. And he's always away. When he's not and when I am online, he doesn't talk and neither do I. Though he told me to talk to him first cuz sometimes he's watching movies online, I don't do that and there are no exceptions even if your freaking name starts with an R. I have no fucking idea why am I even so work up over this ass. Maybe I should stop this never-going-to-happen thingy. What the hell is he doing anyway?! If he doesn't reply me, I'm not going to relent and I am not going to ever contact him again. Surely 5 minutes to answer an email is not too much to ask. Heck, with the way he's writing it won't even take him 5 freaking minutes of his time. Ass.

I tried doing my Accounts and Finance tutorial and I cannot balance that freaking balance sheet. KNS. Thank god I did like 3/4 of my Tutorial 5 in the evening or else judging from my mood now, I will go nowhere with it.

*I am very sorry that you all will have to read this. But I just have to rant. Since there's no one, this will do.*

There's freaking alot of things in my mind right now. Actually no. Just like a couple of them and I already feel suffocated. Why the hell am I like this? Fuck la. For the first time ever, life sucks. Especially when you have P like mine and B like mine and V like mine.

Still in a foul mood.
I want the Sony Ericsson W980. NOW.
Okay I'm sleepy. I shall sleep and wish that tomorrow will be a better day. :/

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