Monday, June 29, 2009

Still waiting

Okay time for my weekly update… Yet again a very busy week.

Monday, 22/06/09
First day as a liaison officer for the SIWW. My buyer made me panicked when he didn’t answer my calls. Then luckily everything was fine. Accompanied him to the Opening Ceremony. He did most of the talking. I’m never good with strangers. Shy worhh. Really.

Tuesday, 23/06/09
Met up with the rest to have Macs breakfast. OMG the price difference makes me miss school very much. And then had meetings with the buyer. Lunch was provided and its buffet style. It’s like hotel kind of food which I don’t really like. HAHA.

Rushed to school for committee meeting. Obviously, it ends kind of late so I was like damn hungry when I got home.

Wednesday, 24/06/09
Sort of a blur cuz everything seems to happen so fast. My buyer wants to go to everything. Lunch sucks cuz I don’t know what the hell I’m eating although the rest seems to be enjoying it. I only like the tiramisu!

Then went off to meet the Senjas for Yus’s surprise birthday party. I was like damn freaking nervous that I wouldn’t work out cuz things I planned always never happen. HAHA. So thankfully only Aznita and Gladys cannot make it and I could get off from SIWW earlier and of course, Yus did not suspect anything. So we caught her at her unglam time! HAHA. Had a lot of fun. Whenever Senjas get together, there would never be a sane moment. Ate like quite a lot of junk. And I felt really bad cuz Yus’s mum cooked noodles all that for us. :/ I hope it was okay. I hope that it’s your most memorable birthday celebration. =) XOXO.

Thursday, 25/06/09
Last day of SIWW. Since my buyer decided to push up all of his meeting, he wants to go to the business forums. So I had to come to Suntec at 8am to accompany him and I was free until 5.20pm. And then the sole of my shoe broke. Like the front part but I was very scared that it wouldn’t last so I decided to buy black flats from Cotton On. Lunch was awesome cuz it was like more traditional and Asian theme. Really liked the ondeh ondeh. I think I ate like 10 of those? Maybe more. HAHA. Then waited with my buyer in line to go to the Marina Barrage for Dinner at the Bay. I don’t have to follow him for the dinner. Took pictures with some of my classmates and went home with Xiubin and Baoling.

Friday, 26/06/09
Met up with Debbie, Wanyu and Qide to project (supposedly). Obviously, nothing came out of it. Just surfing the net like 9/10 of the time. At least we decided the sub themes that we want to use. HAHA. then I had to rush off for Waves committee meeting. I am so excited yo! HAHA. Wanted to choreograph but really scared that I cannot do it so I shall not risk it.

Saturday, 27/06/09
Woke up at like freaking 5am to catch the first bus cuz I have to be at Marina Bay at 6.45am for Singapore Dragon boat Festival 2009. Turns out like almost everyone else was late. -.-
Were given breakfast, the shirt and lanyard. My job is at the 20 crew holding area. Was quite nervous cuz I was there alone. Qide was at the other side for the 10 crew exit. It was freaking hot laa. And then I spotted this guy who was OMG FREAKINGLY CUTE!! He’s from Nanyang Polytechnic. And I really liked my place as I get to see him every time he has a race! OMG laaaaa. But Qide kept on saying that he’s short and I kept on telling him that it’s okay since I’m short too! HAHAHA. I know that its Dragon boat but really there was not really any cute guys that I saw apart from DBG. I guess I was just too bored to bother. Anyway, that guy did talk to me. To ask what race it was. HAHA. And obviously I was spacing out so I didn’t know and I had to check. Then he smiled and said okay. I think he’s like the captain or something cuz he’s like one of the important person. But omg really he’s damn freaking cute.

Then went home and met Allen and Louis on the train. Was very surprised to see them. Qide stopped at Raffles. Louis was sleeping. Allen wanted to study but we ended up chatting all the way to Woodlands. HAHA. Too bad laa, have to study at home worhh. And he made me damn excited about Waves laa. Walauuu.

When I came home, I was trying to search for DGB. And obviously I cannot find anything because the only thing I know about him is that he is a dragon boater from Nanyang Polytechnic. URGH.

Sunday, 28/06/09
Met Qide at 8am. Okay I was late for like 10mins. Still, it was once again, earlier than the rest. Had breakfast and was waiting for the organizer and turns out he totally forgot about us. And the first race was already going to start means we were pretty much redundant over there. So me and Qide did the 20 crew exit which I specifically asked for. No way am I going to do 10 crew. I have to see DBG. Then when we went out to the holding area to wait for our shirts, he was already there preparing. And he looked hot as I remembered. He looked like Rionaldo Stockhorst, an Indonesian actor except that DBG is cuter of course! Go google him. HAHA. And he was in many races so I got to see him like so many times.

Turns out there were other cute guys that I did not see the previous day. Like DBG2 (also from NYP), piercing (from PA Water Venture Dragon Boat), SDBA (helper from Singapore Dragon Boat Association), MA (Mr. Action. Cuz he was half naked, walking around and flirting with the paramedic), MG (the only Malay guy that I thought was good looking)…etc. Obviously I don’t know their names so me and Qide came up with nicknames so that I can remember. HAHA. I’ll probably forgot how they look like tomorrow. OH and I saw Yi Cong. He was in Sales during my Metro days. And he was like so hot cuz I remembered him wearing black singlet after work everytime and can see his muscles all that. I don’t think he recognized me anymore cuz I didn’t contact him after Metro and I knew him before I changed my spectacles. And anyway, Qide said that he’s with a girl. So whatever.

The races were okay. And it was damn freaking hot that I’m like really dark now and have tan lines from my slippers, my watch and my cuff. NTU is really very good. SP won one. NYP – I mean my DBG won 2nd in one of the races. Didn’t stay for the award ceremony or else I could have taken a peek at DBG’s lanyard and find out his name so that I can find him on Facebook. Went home and tried a few other ways to find him and still failed. Oh well, if its fate I will be able to find him. If not, then too bad, I still have my V. =) Oh and its so exciting cuz he sent me an email. He didn’t reply my last one for like so freaking long then suddenly he sent me a new email, not replying to the previous one. AWW. Made my day. =)

Tomorrow will be the first day of school. URGH not looking forward to it at all. Okay apart from being able to see my friends laa. GOOD LUCK PEOPLE FOR YOUR MSTs. Sorry arh, I’ve finished mine. *shrugs. HAHA.

I am going to do all I can to find DBG tomorrow during IT and maybe piercing. HMPH.

Nope cannot find DBG. Although thank you very much Qide for finding NYP's DB Girls blog. Although I still cannot find him, I managed to get 2 of his pics. Shall find other ways to find him. By Wednesday if I cannot find him, its bye bye to DBG. HAHA.

Anywayssss school just now was okay. Paid attention for the first hour of IT and was surfing the net like the rest of the time. Seriously, Excel. -.- Although she went through alot of functions that I don't know. But ya whatever. Results for IT MST was good. HEHE. Debs got the highest for one of the components! Woots. Then had lunch. MF!! HAHAHA. Although I'm not as crazy about it as my friends. Had bubble tea too! Today's one damn nice. Maybe the aunty went to some workshop to make better bubble tea during the term break. HAHA. CCS was okay. Learnt a few things about listening and communication. Just checked Blackboard for the tutorials. OMG I think I'll just dieee. Cuz CCS is alot of research and mainly common sense and general knowledge. And I have very little of both! HAHAHAHA. But I shall believe that I can do this. =) I feel damn free this week cuz there is no dance so I'll probably be online everytime I come home from school. HEH. But I'll miss my Senjassss. Haiyooo you all arh, fasterly finish MST caaan??

Something funny happened just now. My sis came home and she only see my dad outside. Then she went in my parent's room and found out that my mum is not at home so she asked my dad:
SIS: Has adik(sister) came home?
Then she opened the door to our room and saw me sleeping there.
SIS: Adik haven't come home? But she's sleeping in the room!
MY FATHER: Huh? I never see her come home.
Its funny because.... I came home WITH MY DAD! Saw him downstairs and we took the SAME lift and I used MY keys to open the door for him and he said he did not SEE me come home. WTF. That's what happened when you are soooo focused on using the internet that its all you think about! TSKKKK.

My V is so thoughtful. He puts his PM in English now. Usually it will be in Hungarian and I have no idea what the hell is he talking about. He's working out now so he's away and can't chat with me now. (I know, no one asked.HAHA)

Walau ehh why the fuck can't I upload pictures!! TSKKK.

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