Sunday, June 21, 2009

Family Day

Went out with my family and relatives today to East Coast Park. It was fun and tiring! When we came, it was damn freaking hot and there were a lot of people. Then when we reached our spot, my cousins started dragging us to play with the sand. Tried building a few sandcastles and none turned out perfect. HAHA. Played around with the water. Then went back and ate some sandwiches. My uncle rented a bicycle, the two person kind. Then my mum dragged me to ride with her cuz she cannot cycle. Let’s just say that it was super tiring! Since it’s her first time, she depended fully on me. Even when it was on brake, her legs were still up on the pedal. That means I have to support her whole weight and was wondering why the hell the bicycle is so freaking heavy! HAHA. But but but, when I was cycling, there were a lot of angmohs! HEHE. Reminds me of my V. Got so excited that I messaged a few people. HAHA!

Then I was sooo tired, I went in the tent with the intention to take a nap. But my family is so damn noisy that I cannot sleep at all! In the end I just ended up lying there perspiring like crazy. It was very hot!! They started BBQ-ing. And I ate a lot of chicken. Okay maybe not. Probably like 4 or 5? HAHA. Damn syiok! My aunty also made cupcakes. Woohoo. So pretty! Took my cousin and my mum for another ride on the bicycle.

I’m like aching all over now! Had training yesterday. Did like 190 pushups in total? Cuz I joined in the junior’s class before the normal training. And then there was Time After Time practice. Very tired and when I came home, I couldn’t sleep! Ass laaa. The minute I’m out and about I’ll be damn sleepy but once I lay my head on the pillow, I’m wide awake. It sucks big time!!

I’m very nervous about tomorrow. I hope that there won’t be any big screw ups and I won’t make any mistakes. Wish me good luck many many, people. I hope that my principal (that’s what they called the delegates) will be very kind and understanding. :/ I’m not saying that cuz I’m racist or whatever, but really even if my delegate is from Hungary (pun intended, Debs) I would want him to be nice and a conversationalist! Omg how if I don’t know what to say? How if he’s the quiet kind and only wait for me to talk?? How if I ended up saying stupid stuffs?? How if he doesn’t understand any joke that I make or whatever? How if I don’t understand what he’s talking about?? Then how if he ask me questions that I don’t know how to answer?? How if he ask me where to eat and all that?? OMO I better do my research!! See, being a good girl and staying at home all the time has its disadvantage. I don’t know places that normal people my age goes to!

Ohhhh yaaaa….
Love you many many!! You’ll have to wait for your belated celebration to get your present! =)) And GO STUDYYY!! HAHA. XOXO.

OMO should I talk to V? Wait, is he even online? OMO he is not. Okay whatever. BYE.

I am freaking freaking freaking freaking freaking nervous!!!!
OMG how how how how how how if I screw this up??? OMG!!! :/

Sorry Sab. You can resume studying. I'm going sleep now!
I shall try to get some sleep. OMG nervous like hell. Calling at 9.30am. Meeting at 4.30pm.

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