Friday, March 27, 2009

Its just __.

I have no idea what is F-wrong with Blogger.
I cannot view my blog or others. Only can view Az and Debs cuz theirs is not on Blogger.
If after updating and I still cannot view the page, I'm soo gonna kill Blogger.
Okay wait, I can't do that. Oh well.

V is getting on my nerves with his meaningless messages.
I just added F on FB so I hope he will make my holidays back to enjoyable and exciting again.

Okay hope I can view it now.
Then FB, SL, WC after that. And TV shack and aimini. Oh and I have to change my bedsheets later.

WTF I still cannot view it.
Okay I shall restart my lappy. TSK.
Troublesome and annoying and irritating.

Omg seriously S-League is super lame.
The match tonight was between Tampines and Super Reds.
There wasn’t any action and the match is moving so slowly that even the commentators are not talking about the game!
They were talking about the other clubs and the rankings and they spent like 10 minutes talking about Indra Sahdan.
I mean, I know he’s good. He’s my favourite, by the way. But come on, he’s not even on the field!
I still don’t get why he’s not in Home United. They are now so lousy without him!
Okay to give some credit to the game tonight, there was 2 collisions that make it erm.. more exciting. The first involving Hassan Sunny and the 2nd involving Sutee.
I know like 9/10 of the people reading this have no idea what or who the hell am I talking about. But ya, I’m just waiting for American Idol and Survivor. Beats watching Puteri Omera on Suria (what a lame show).
I am not against local. But really, it’s the worst soccer I’ve ever watch.

No words can even describe how fucking bored am I.
I’m still contemplating whether or not I should reply to THAT message. I was thinking to make him wait. And write another one. Okay I shall not care about V and T.
I’m listening to JVKV aka F4 CD to kill time. Hmm not bad except for the fact that I don’t understand most of the shite that they’re singing about.

Okay American Idol is on. OMG why is Survivor on at 11.30pm! TSKKK.

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