Friday, February 27, 2009


Had a last minute job interview today.
Super last minute that I only had 15 minutes to get ready as my sis took sooo long to bathe.
Anyway the job interview sucks.
I did not get the job.
Other than Debbie, all the rest who got in had no experience whatsoever.
That's really stupid.
Shouldn't they hire experienced people so that the event will go smoothly?
And what pisses me off is that because of this interview, Franko would have to wait so long for my reply because as mentioned yesterday, I haven't open the message until NOW.
AND I've got another message from Danel.

Okay I shall go and reply to all the messages now.

7.48 PM

Damn happy.
My international friends are awesooome =)

Maybe dance yesterday wasn't as unproductive as I thought.
My legs are aching.
Must be because of doing the splits!
Since Channel5 cut American Idol yesterday for Live and Loaded (WTH)
I googled to see who entered the next round.
And I'm pretty happy =) Adam Lambert got in! He's like my favourite since Day 1!
And I really like Danny Gokey from last week.
Danny Gokey on the left. Adam Lambert on the right.

Okay this is Franko from Argentina. (No Wendy, I'm not gonna put another photo!)

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