Saturday, February 28, 2009

Blissful tiredness

Just came back from dance.
Spent a freaking $6 on food and its not even like proper lunch kinda food.
Dance today was good AND bad.
I really did my stretching today. Didn't slack a single bit for the stretching part. I know my whole body gonna ache like crazy tomorrow.
But whatever, there's the satisfaction there. (right YUS????)
The floorwork was sort of a blur.

Before I went for my dance, I checked my email and I just checked it again.
I have 4 new international friends. (Can't remember where they came from. HAHA.)
1 message from Franko.
He's sending and replying messages faster now.
And I send ONE at a time only. NOT spam his inbox, okay YUS!
BUT I will not check the full contents of the message and accept the friend requests YET because I am damn tired and I think I'm gonna take a nap--okay sleep.
Too bad they will have to wait.
HEEEY its the weekends! Okay that was random.

Hope I can go online after I wake up!

11.09 PM
I have been online =)
Since 8pm just now.

Franko and Wouter is fun. Marco is not.
Anw I didnt have time to play meet me today as I'm talking to 4 different people online and everytime I open a new window it will be blinking down there.
HAHA. Distracting!
And its like so many, its not like I can remember. HAHA.
Shall wait for them to reply first, I guess. =)

12.33 PM
I'm back online but using the damn wireless so I'm appearing offline so that people won't talk to me and get cut off when I get disconnected.
Aren't I thoughtful?

Talking to Asyraf was kinda funny and weird but fun at the same time.
And one thing about online friends is that you can talk about anything, be sarcastic and really crazy and be the real you without worrying cuz its not like I'll be meeting them, right?

Allen's funny and maybe a little weird.
I don't think he reads my blog so I guess its okay for me to write about him.
Oh he's funny because he'll reply to my tags and like really reply. HAHA.
Which is good cuz I'll have an additional blog to SPAM when I'm bored
(which is like most of the time) HAHA.
Ohh and he's weird cuz he gets crazy when he drinks coffee and do the notes thingy from Facebook at a ridiculous 2am in the morning! HAHA.

Okay I'm getting sleepy.
My mum say I have to wake up at 6am!
So silly.
She wants to go out at 9am I can wake up at like 8am whaat.
Even later cuz I only take 15mins to get ready.
HMPHHHH I would have to sacrifice my sleep.
So silly.

So ya I won't be online the whole day tomorrow =(
Franko and Wouter would have to wait.

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