Monday, December 22, 2008

yo =)
didnt blog yesterday-wait on sat cuz i was damn tired
seriously my head hurts like mad
dat is wad happens wen i'm hungry =(

on sat...
had dance
ryan tortured us-well me
with d warmups
kns damn tiring.
onli did gone 4 awhile den we did our dance exam piece.
it is super difficult 2 chereo without charlotte
cuz her positions n d dance steps.
sort of like we're onli chereographing for d 4 of us.
but anws am really glad dat i'm in d same grp as
yus amanda n jieling s well.
although we didnt progress much 2dae
but heeeyy i tink our dance is great =))
*group hug* =)
gonna continue on monday
oh its mon oredi
soo gonna continue later =)
we can do this girls

den after dance we went to eat ad clementi
me yus sab jamieng janice n cherie
ate mega mcspicy yo =)
hehe felt damn bloated after dat
reached home bath n change
n off 2 ngee ann 4 danzation =)
all my girls look soo pretty in dresses
but ya i tink i look retarded in a dress so i didnt wear one
i said tis 2 my mum n she was like
"err u get dress meh??u dun even have skirt laaa!"
i was like
"ohh yaa..."
oh n sab look good too =)
rocker babe yo haha

danzation was DOPE ARH!!!!
it is like supersupersuper goooooood!!!
dey r like DAMN syncronized n dey look DAMN good on stage laa
n i sort of felt like our waves was nothing compared to them =(
but anws all d more shld look forward n do better 4 waves 14
my head oredi hurts big time even b4 it ends
but i still manage to cuci mater with sab =))
dat guy wit white long sleeve under his shirt
so actualli goin 2 eat prata
den dunno who we were waiting 4 in d end came out damn late
didnt have time 2 eat s i hav to rush back
yus n sab bought cup noodles 2 bring home 2 eat
i tink zhenghang n allen ate dere
got home late n i sooo have to sleep
dats y i didnt blog 4 one day =)

went to amk wit my mum n sisters
my dad got tis back to sch vouchers
125 bux EACH
so we hav to use it
shopped 4 stationeries like crazy
since i bought all dat i need wit d pop voucher i got d other time
i didnt buy much
blck refill light blue n orange pen scissors n an organiser
i tink my organiser is super cool
wanted 2 get one with d train map behind(so dat i noe my way haha)
but decided to get another one cuz its soo much nicer =)
n its purple!
costs 12 bix onli =)
anws it was a whole big basket of stationeries
n d total is onli $103!!!
n we got an ADDITIONAL $5 gift voucher

den we went to eat at banquet
ate fish n chips
urgh dey change d fish n its not nice oredi =(

went home n i slept cuz my mum made me wakeup at 8am!
slept all d way until 5.30pm

anws was talking 2 my mum in her room
n she kept on interrogating me abt my elder sis n who's she dating now
so irritating.
i noe my sis is dating someone(yes AGAIN!)
n she's not telling me cuz she noes my mum gonna ask me
n she doesnt wan me 2 feel stuck in d middle
like dat makes any difference.
i just wish dat she'll listen to me
just remain single until she's sure dat she's ready 4 it
it breaks my heart 2 c her crying after breakups
n having headaches because of all this
is it so hard to remain single??
n aft my mum ask me questions abt my sis
it will lead 2 me.
which is really stupid cuz i DO NOT care abt tis kinda stuffs
she'll ask me abt A
n i'm like i stopped contacting him like loong time ago
cuz i noe he wans more frm juz chatting n i dun wan
n den D
which didnt even happen in d frst place
n den abt d others on msn
n i'll end d conversation
mayb i shld just record d conversation n just replay it wen she starts asking
heeeyy not a bad idea
sure she's open 2 tis n allows us 2 date be in a relationship bring home n bond with d family
but dat doesnt mean i wanna have one
i'm fine being single
n loving it too =)
all d crushes
all d chatting
all d random messages
gawd tis is starting to look depressing
like yussy's normal post

i totally 4gt dat i have 2 chereo at least 2 eights 4 d exam piece
how can i 4gt???
hope my chereo brain is awake n working later 4 dance =)

n shiiiiteee
its been 2 days since i last touch my cross stitch
i wanna get it done b4 sch starts!

ohh wad a super loong post
i didnt realise
juz kept typing typing n typing

ok den
tata =)

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