Saturday, March 01, 2014

That brown camera

I don't deny this: I'm an Instagram freak. It is one of the apps that I open once I wake up (the others being Tweetbot, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Hay Day, Line). I take selfies all the time and will ponder over which photo to post cuz spamming a whole ton of photos all at once is a no go for me. I take pictures before I eat and will try out a lot of filters to make it look even more appetizing. But there's nothing to be ashamed of is there? What's wrong with being an Instagram freak?

Reasons why Instagram is awesome:

1) Having an Instagram is like a photo diary. Every day, every activity, the people I meet, is in there. My previous post with the flashback on 2013? I did it entirely from looking through my Instagram posts.

2) You can stalk people and you will know when people stalk you. Like erm, you liked a photo that I posted from 2 weeks ago? You are definitely stalking me. Or I received a notification that you liked my photo but when I opened the app and you didn't? Oh you definitely liked my photo accidentally. And no one will know that I have been stalking them. I visit RK's Instagram so often despite no new photos and thank god he doesn't know about that.

3) A conversation starter. 'Hey did you see ___ upload this photo/video? Her top is so nice!' And then you will check out ___ page and start talking about her with your friends. Everyone does this right? No?

4) Morning visual newspaper. You know when you're in a train ride all alone and you're on your phone, moments like this is the best to scroll through your Instagram feed to see what's up. I love Twitter to death as well but there are times when I don't feel like reading. Instagram is like those books that are filled with photos, you just have to keep flipping and see the visuals. No reading, no thinking involved.

5) You discover new places. All the cafe pictures or act photo shoot shots. 'Hey, where's this place?' And the next thing you know, you'll be on your way to the above mentioned place with your friends to check out the rainbow cake or the oh-so-awesome cupcakes.

6) Its an opportunity for you to be artsy fartsy. Awesome shots of the clouds, ootd shots or just random shots of you and your friends on the beach. With all the filters out there, voila, an artistic shot.

7) Confidence boost. How many times have I commented with the heart as eyes emoji on someone photos? Receiving them gives me confidence beyond words. 'So chio!' 'So cute!' 'Hehe thanks :)' And all the likes that comes along with those. 'Woah 50 likes yessah.'

There are other reasons obviously but these are the few that comes to mind. (And cuz I'm pretty hungry now so I want to finish typing this post so that I can eat) I don't understand how people can NOT have an Instagram account. 'Hey do you have Instagram? I wanna tag you in a shot!' 'Nope I don't.' Like hello?! Unless if you're using a Blackberry phone or is over 30 then that is an excuse but other than that HOW CAN YOU NOT. Its awesome. Ok this is probably just me the social media freak talking but yeah get an Instagram if you don't have one k.

I need to eat.


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