Saturday, August 06, 2011

Dipping my toe in the adult zone

1st of August. This is drafted on the 28th June since I'm super free and have nothing to do at this moment. On this day, I'll be starting my work and GE and I'll be sharing my experience later on in this post (obviously because it hasn't happened yet).

So anyway, August is a special month for me as it is the month that I'm born :) I always thought that August is the best month ever. I bet everyone else have the same sentiments as me. But this year is different because I'll be stepping into the 20s zone. I'll be turning 20 on the 22nd.

Even when I was young, I never wanted to grow up. Whenever something good happens, I'll be hoping that time stands still. Because I know that everything good will come to an end. Its ephemeral. Its inevitable that life has to go on. 19 years of my life has passed. And yeah, I think I regret most of it. Moving on, I'm hoping to be a more mature person with visionary thinking and succeed in all that I set out to do.

My birthday wish:
I'll be happy & I'll spend it with people I love :)

I don't want to have a birthday list for my wants because everything that I want is way too beyond my reach at the moment and there's no way I want anyone to spend so much on me. So I'll be happy with some thought and deliberation and of course, love.


I just realised I left this in my draft. And yes, its 6th August today which means that one week has passed since I started working. I know its insane to start counting down now but its 11 more weeks to go :)

Work has been fine. Did filing, stapling, mailing, issuing/editing policies and more filing this past 5 days. But believe it or not, no matter how manageable it sounds, it is still super tiring. I come home feeling drained every day. Partly the fact that I'm fasting. Not the hunger part or the thirsty part but its the waking up early part. Since I wake up at 5am to have my pre dawn meal, I only have 1 1/2 hours to sleep back before I have to get ready for work. And I'm the kind of person who won't be able to fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow :( So imagine even if I were to sleep at 11pm (a far cry from my normal 3am), I only have 6hours of sleep everyday.

Anyway, even though its all fine and dandy now, I'm dreading 11th. Because Deb will not longer be working there and I have to figure out what to do for my lunch break. Adding on to it, I'm dreading 1st September more because fasting has ended which means I have to figure out where and who to eat lunch with. There's not one friendly face that could offer me a lunch break company.

That's all for now. I will probably be on hiatus again and only blog on the weekends.

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