Friday, February 04, 2011

Another late update

Hey hey hey. I shall post some super outdated photos now. HAHA. WAVES 15 post will be the next one I promise! :)

First of all, photos taken from Danzation! The show was awesome btw. The fact that it was held in UCC was already major. And they had so many sponsors that they are not even keeping their ticket sales. They are donating it! WTF. How they get money for their costumes?! So anyway yeah. Only me, Yus and Sab went this time. I mean out of the usual 7. HAHA.

In the toilet:

And then through these photos we found out that whoever's taking the photos will look pretty retarded. HAHAHA.

While waiting for the other people to come. Which took damn long btw >.<

Sab had this app thingy on her iPhone. Can take 6 photos one after another and it will form like this:

This one cuz we didn't know she was still using the app thingy. So yep! That's all for Danzation photos :)

Next: Meiliang's 21st birthday party. Its pretty small scale and she invited only some dancers and her family were there. She's the oldest Senja yo. HEHE.

Dancers who were there:

Dancers with the birthday girl:

And me with Meiliang :)
*Frames edited with Photoscape.
PS: I don't like! >.<

With the birthday cake! Its really very nice! HAHA. Sab ate ALOT.

And other random shots.
*Wasn't that good mood that day. Thus the stiff face. HAHA.

SO yep. End of belated posts :)

Wednesday (2nd Feb) marks the start of long CNY break. Worked on 2nd Feb for a dinner event. Super tiring and I had blisters (yes, from wearing flats. Retarded I know) but I had fun and cabbed home and there's EC! HAHA. Worked with Yus and Fadli so the company was pretty awesome though Fadli doesn't know how to shut up. HAHAHA. But yeah. Its my first time doing serving so its an experience for me. Plus pay was pretty good! 15/h! Who don't want?! And it was ready the day after but I don't know when I'm going to take it!

3rd Feb and today is stay-at-home-and-do-nothing-productive-day. Yesterday I watched 1 episode of Oh My School, several WGM parts, 2 episodes of Dream High, Easy A and Confessions of a Shopaholic! And I have 68 movies downloaded. HEHE. Today I watched 1 episode of Oh My School only. Downloaded 2 latest episodes of Pretty Little Liars though! Shall watch them after this.

Tomorrow and Sunday, I'll do my 2 reports and prepare for my interview on Monday I promise :)

So I was chosen to go to Osaka for a dance trip! Okay I make it sound super awesome to my parents cuz I want them to let me go. But its just Aug choosing us and not like the school or whatever. HAHA. And as usual, for trips like this where money is involved, that's the only thing that my parents will question about. Edusave can be used but mine only has 1.2k left so I'm planning to use my elder sister's one for the balance! And plus my passport have expired and I don't have a luggage so you see, I have tonnes to worry about. Whether or not I'm going is based on this percentage progression:

20% Augustin text. Cuz initially only Gladys asked me about it. And since no one asked me I go for what right?
30% My Senjas are going as well. Currently 5 of us are chosen. Sadly, Yus and Meiliang is not :(
40% I decide to go and mum agrees (she said to ask my dad -.-)
60% My dad agrees. Well, he only said 'Settle the Edusave payments first'. Means ok la. HAHA.
70% Make passport!
85% Edusave payments approved!
95% Money for expenses!
100% Luggage settled!

So my current percentage: 60%! I shall make my passport next week. And hopefully details of the trip is settled next week as well so that I can settle the Edusave stuffs (cuz it takes 3-4 weeks to be processed! FML). Its so annoying that I have to worry so much while others just need an approval from their parents and just ok. It sucks, sucks, sucks. But surprisingly I want this so much and I'm going to make it happen! :) Please pray for me that I can go. Please, please, please.

And the $150 that I'll be getting from the 2nd Feb job will be gone to make passport + D&D preparation. $150 GONE :'(

Kthxbye! WAVES 15 post next :)

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