Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Empty pockets

Miss blogging so here I am! I update more on Twitter and sometimes LiveJournal but I would never leave this blog. Its been like what, four years since I started this blog. My posts from the past can so make me cringe >.<

Anyway, I went shopping with my mum. Okay technically if I take the lead, its not called shopping cuz I just find what I want and I don't walk around. In fact we only went like 2 shops (excluding the place we have lunch obviously) which is Cotton On and Code Red. HAHAHAHA. I spent like $50 on 4 tops and a pair of slippers. I know I'm a damn stingy cheapo but I don't work so I have to spend within my means :) That's my $40 pay from an event and my allowance. I'm left with like 10 bucks this week >.< Anyway I sometimes feel like Cotton On totally cheat your money la. Buy stuffs when its at the store and then later on its like cut by half price and then you go the warehouse (at Orchard MRT) and its like what $2? Super wtf. But anyway, I still like the items. HEHE. Its perfect for layering (which I like) and just for lazy days (which is perfect for school!). Obviously I just have to be careful cuz there may be like people on the street wearing the same thing. HAHA.

So there's a whole lot of things that I want to buy cuz the way I dress now has totally changed from the Tshirt and Jeans. I'm still obsessed over sneakers. Though I still haven't got that black Converse that I want :(

I have this:

And I want to make it as worn as this:

Different colour I know but you get my drift. And I want my shoe place to be like these:

HAHAHA possible?

Recently I've also been obsessed with looking at ripped jeans. I can only ogle cuz I can't wear them :(

Super chio. I know Li Ern knows how to make these. HAHAHA. But yeah sadly I can't wear. Its like super super super super nice (Y)

Next is about bags. I don't have that much bags. In fact the only bag I use nowadays is that Cotton On charity bag. The one that costs $2. But the charity bags now is not nice. I want the long kind. And and and I found these on Tumblr:

I want all. HAHAHAHHA. I like the structure. And the wordings are cute! But its hard to find bags like these that is of good quality and cheap (which means below $15!). If you know where to find, please tell me :)

Last thing, I wish that Singapore is not so bloody hot. I really really like the layering look and its so hard to carry it off when you're sweating >.< Though I sometimes still insist on going out with tank top, cardigan and jeans even though I see the sun through my windows and feel the heat after I bathe. HAHAHAHHA. Some looks that I found on Tumblr:

There's a lot others but I'm lazy to find some more. HAHAHAH.

I want more more more more stuffs :( But I hate shopping. Oh well.

School's going to be starting soon! The final lap. Okay not lap, final semester (right?). My results for this semester is good. Exceeded my aim actually but my cumulative sucks. Though its within 3ish. Stupid IT. I must have screwed up my exam cuz I was expecting a distinction!!! :( But anyway, like what can I do. Its my fault and no one else's. My year 2 results like totally pull me down. But whatever. this semester, 4.0? HAHAHHAHAHA. I promise to pay attention in lectures and not skip any class. I think I skipped a lot last semester >.<

Dance so far have been good. I'm thankful to my choreographers. StellaJiaJia and Gladys! Thankful for choosing me, thankful for being patient, thankful for understanding my knee troubles. And not forgetting their assistants, JiaHui and Sophie! <3333 I hope that I will be able to endure through Waves with my stupid knee. Please look forward to Waves 15 on the 28th and 29th January next year!! :)))

I was feeling cranky cuz I didn't have enough sleep but blogging calms me down! So happy now. Going to catch up on Gossip Girl Season 2 now. Slow, I know.

I'm going to end this post with this picture cuz I like it!

All pictures from Tumblr! Follow me HERE HERE HERE!! :)



  1. I wanna get a pair of ripped jeans and a pair of acid like jeans too yo! ^^ and i like the pictures from tumblr, i like the tops too yo!

  2. HAHA yes! I saw some nice jeans at Fourskin!! What's your Tumblr url? :)
