Sunday, August 15, 2010

All the sweat

So YOG Opening Ceremony is over! And yep it was great and super awesome.

- Seeing the athletes. Taking pictures with them (its all with them though). Hi5-ing them (which makes Gladys extremely jealous). And just cheering them and seeing them smile at us :)
- Dancing on the floating platform. And hello, its YOG. Its not coming back to Singapore. If its is probably in a 752544 years.
- New people met. Old ties bonded.
- All the awesome photos taken. Its all on FB. Though I think I look weird in most of the photos. I'm not photogenic then.
- Oh yeah, get to take picture with a certain dimpled guy. HEHE. He's just too cute. And dimples are (Y)
- Its just a great feeling :)

And I'll be taking part in the Closing Ceremony. Apparently my people is now reduced to just me, Yus, WongJieling and Cherie. Oh well. I'm sure it will be awesome as well. I'll check out Facebook later for all the photos. I don't go FB much nowadays, other than to see photos and play FlashBeat.

Nope, I'm not too worried about my exams. Yet. My nerves will kick in at a later stage.

Anyway, Tumblr has been an awesome companion so far. I'm following 23 people and their updates are just (L) How I wish I'm into photography or good in editing photos. Here you go. Some of my favourite pictures.


I'm really obsessed with nails now. Those short, short nails. Mine are long and I hate it. But I can't paint my nails for the time being. Boo hoo.


Nice hair is not easy to achieve. Either you're born with it or you have to do tonnes to achieve it. And though I have awesome hair most of the time, when it is bad. It is very bad. And it always seem like another person will never look at your hair the same way as you.

Tonnes of images that I keep saving but I shall keep it for myself. Go check out Tumblr! :)

Though I should be studying for now I'll be busy Limewire-ing, Tumblr-ing and just doing absolutely nothing. Come on, its called a holiday for a reason.

All images from Tumblr :)

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