Friday, May 07, 2010


500th POST! :)

I think I'm going to suffer this semester. I keep getting distracted with stuffs online and as a result procrastinated in doing my work. There's so many things I told myself to do when I'm on the way home but when I reached home, I ended up not doing them >.< I know its all my fault but really, I can't help it sometimes.

Anyway, my timetable sucks ttm this semester. Never before in my entire poly life have I been subjected to such unfairness in the timetable.

Monday: 10 am - 4.30 pm
Tuesday: 11.30 am - 6 pm
Wednesday: 9 am - 12 pm
Thursday: 8.30 am -1 pm
Friday: 2pm - 4pm

Like who the hell have classes at such a ridiculous hour on a FRIDAY?! My class haven't even start when the rest of the school have finish theirs. And its only ONE lecture. Okay fine the rest of the days don't look so bad. But I could actually finish school at like 1.30pm on Tuesdays if not for some 'Oops' (its repeat module by the way. Don't know why they give such an act cute name for it) student whose joining our class. I don't even see him in class. Maybe because I went off to do my tutorial in the library but still! And because of him we cannot shift the class from 3-6 to 9-11am. Urghhhh.

So as you can see, I start at 2pm today. I set my alarm to ring at 10am but I woke up at 9am for no particular reason. And obviously I cannot sleep back.

I'm in dire need of an external hard drive. My C Drive has only 11.3GB left and my D Drive has only 7+ GB left as well. Oh and Hotmail pisses me off very much. I cannot attach stuffs to my emails at all. And mind you, I tried on Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer! Although I have a nagging suspicion that its my laptop but seriously how does my laptop affect something that is online?! I mean the emailing system is not in my laptop right? Urgh. Okay whatever. I'm scanning my laptop for Malware now.

I shall check out my Social City and then read FML. BYE.

EDITED 11.29am


Yes, I'm back home from school. I went to bind my notes, bought SMT and then I went straight home :) Thought of buying Old Chang Kee but decided to call my mum to buy for me instead. I can save my money that way, you see. HEHE. Nowadays I seriously feel like the no life people. The kind who goes home after school. The kind who have no CCA. And the kind who goes online after school. Okay fine these people probably have a life la because they'll probably go out during the weekends which I don't even like to do. But yeah, you get my drift. Since there's not much dance activities going on that I'm involved in, dance days are only on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Though I always make excuses to go home late on Mondays so that I can skip my religious class. HAHA.

Anyway, the weather pisses me off very much. Yesterday, I thought the weather looks alright and the day before yesterday it was raining so I was hoping that it would rain yesterday so I wore a black long tank and cardigan with my leggings (the 2NE1-lookalike HAHA). But surprise, surprise, it was fucking hot. And I had to act that I'm fine with the weather when I'm like bloody sweating underneath all the layers. And then today, I decide I shall wear a top with jeans and yes, it rained. LIKE WTF. It was even cold in the lecture!!! Seriously la, the weather has mood swings like nobody's business. Annoying. Okay la enough of rambling. BYE!

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