Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Mixed signals

I'm trying not to think too much. But it is sort of impossible.

Thursday, 1.11am
I shall try not to care anymore.

Anyway, confirm later I wake up I will have muscle ache. Quite a satisfying exercise day although my knees is damn pain now >.< There was Combined training and turns out its Modern and not Hiphop. Then Johnny did LA with us. Then had Modern session. Woaaaahh. Awesome ttm. But hopefully my muscles will not give me any problem cuz there's Modern tomorrow. :) And I ate like Bread, milo and crackers for lunch, instant noodle for dinner and cornflakes with milk for supper. So I didn't have any full meal. Quite unhealthy eh!

Timetable is out already. Its okay apart from the stupid FYP. Like wth 6pm?! Who the hell finish classes at 6pm! But my earliest is 8.30am and its only for one day. Oh well. Okay update later! BYE. :)

Look at this. My modules for this semester.

Why the hell is Integrated Project 0 credits? Its FYP I think. Shouldn't FYP be in the GPA?! So why the hell is it 0?!

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