Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Good luck to me

Engineering paper later at 2pm. Planning to reach school by 1.30pm so that I won't be late. Still left with Topic 6 and 7 as I have covered the drawings this morning. Good luck to me.

So. Engineering paper was okay I guess. Forgot most of the things that I studied. TSK. Was hoping to be able to see IHEC but didn't. I guess its fate. HAHA. And then I went to Cotton On, CWP and I bought 2 tops! HEH. Oh and I have replenished my supply of coffee sweets. =)

Anyway, I haven't replied to that message on the wall. I'm waiting for 5 days and today's only the 3rd. HAHA. Not being ridiculous but that's just how it works for me. You get what you give. =) Damn he's online on FB. Aug did make me think after a few things he said on Sunday, but I realised that that's just the way I am and I guess nothing will change. He just doesn't think the way I do. HAHA.

Okay onto admin stuffs and finalising presentations and preparation for studying. Note preparation which means that I won't start today. HAHA. OOOHHH can't wait for the new season of Survivor! Will be exciting for sure. =)

Okay let's see. I think multi tasking is not working for me. And typing minutes is killing me. But I want to send it in by tonight. Know what, another person, okay R, was talking to me on MSN then he decided that he have to go off and left behind his phone no. That is like since 11pm. And I decided that I shall not msg him. HAHA.  Just not in the mood. Somehow when I'm not in the mood they just come one by one. Which is surprising and can be stifling at the same time. Urgh. Annoying.

JIELING : ) says:
i just realised something
im wear my cute night dress and gues what it says
Nadiah says:
hi i'm food girl and i'm hungry
JIELING : ) says:

LOL. Pardon her spelling. HAHA. Typical Jieling. Forever about food. -.-

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