Friday, February 19, 2010

Feel better

Okay today is the first day since like Monday that I can finally do things on my own. I'm not bedridden anymore. HAHA. So of course first thing I do is go online and checking out what have been going on. Took me like 2hours to go through all the updates, emails, bla bla bla. My younger sister is being an ass. She took back her earpiece that she gave me and now I have absolutely no earpiece whatsoever to use. I ended up digging for my old Creative headphones which is missing the sponge on the right ear so its extremely painful. >.< I somehow wished that I had bough that purple earpiece that time when me and Yanping followed Weilin to get her earpiece. Urgh. And if I'm not wrong my mum already made plans for the weekends so pretty much I have to wait til Monday?! Irritating shit. My sister is such a bitch.

I have not started studying for my Law paper which is on the 24th at all. Can't blame me cuz I was sick after all and I need today to recuperate. HAHA. Okay bye.

Managed to get back earpiece by bribery (bubble tea is all it takes. HEH). So been watching Step Up until I didn't realised that Survivor was playing behind me which means that I have to stay up tonight to watch it. -.- Anyway I downloaded Kara's Lupin album and C.N. Blue's Bluetory album. And both is not bad at all. I'll usually just skip C.N. Blue's news on allkpop BUT their song is not bad! Have abit of FT Island feel to it. HAHA. Okay I shall resume watching Step Up. BYE.

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