Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another Sunday

Hello. Its 3.28pm. I woke up at 11am but I'm having fever so I decided to sleep back. And now I'm okay. Fever for like a few hours only. -.- Sleeping always helps. HAAHAH. Today will just be another Sunday for me. I hate CNY holidays cuz everywhere is closed. Like my bubble tea shop. =( I will have to endure a few days without strawberry milk tea! URGH.

Oh the guy from my ITP (J) wrote on my wall. After like how many days of me writing on his wall (about the monk thingy, don't think too much). And just now at 11am, this week EC (H) is online but now he's not. Screw fever. Okay I shall bathe and watch my shows. Honestly it already feels like the holidays although there's still 3 more papers. >.< BYE.

Hello! I've watched
-Survivor: Cook Islands Ep2
-Survivor: Micronesia Ep2
-We Got Married Jo Kwon and Gain cut Ep 13 and 14
-SNSD Hello Baby Ep2

And I'm downloading Step Up. HAHA. Yes, the movie with Channing Tatum. =)) Just felt like watching it again. Watching the above shows is probably going to be my daily practice. HAHA. OH and there's good news! The bubble tea store is open after all. My mum who wanted to buy groceries discovered that its opened and she kept grumbling cuz its 30cents more. Means for 3 days its like $1.80 per cup. HAHA. I am extremely lazy to upload the photos!! OMG. Okok I shall resize it now. :/ I'm trying to sweat so that my fever will go away. It was back a few hours ago and I was shivering like shit. And everyone else wasn't. BYE!

Cute eh?? LEE HONGKI <3

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