Sunday, January 24, 2010


I've got lots of things to do. Totally forgot about several things so I shall do now. BYE.

Okay admin stuffs is tiring but I don't know why I kind of like it. HAHA.

Ok guess what! My dad just told me that FD (Flying Dutchman, DJ and celebrity) asked him (my dad) to tell me to call him (FD) when I graduate! HAHHAHHAAHA. I'm not kidding. A job prospect straight after graduating? I shall not be so optimistic YET. My dad working for Mediacorp not bad eh? But like I said I shall not be too overjoyed yet cuz obviously I still have like one more year to go and how if I can't handle it? My dad's name is at stake isn't it? Okok I shall not think too much.

And thanks to uncompleted work, I msged new EC! HAHAH. Though its nothing to be happy about unless he randomly messages me in the future. I should be eating my dinner soon. :/

Okay I think I'm going to sleep early today. I'm going to sleep now. IF I can wake up early tomorrow I shall find more CRS stuffs. So far found very little. Somehow reading about pro abortion makes me feel so guilty. :/

I wished that the Facebook badge can be in black and my tagboard is in black too. Then it would fit with the colour scheme of my blog. TSK. But anw, the FB badge is there cuz I'm lazy to post up a picture of myself on photobucket la blablabla. And I realise the default picture of the blogskin which is two hands forming a heart is kind of cheesy. Since I'm never the kind who falls in love. And obviously I'm lazy to make a new tagboard as well. HAHA. Okay bye! Hopefully there's no distractions so that I can go to sleep. =)

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