Friday, January 22, 2010

Not a good Friday

Came at 9am instead of 8am. HAHA. Didn't hear my alarm at all. Thank god my mum woke me up.

I am sort of pissed with the fact that biasness still happens all the time. I am not very happy with the fact that last minute work can be praised as good work. And last minute collation and comparison is said to be the best one out of all. Like wtf. Our efforts are peppered with a lot of comments but the minute he sees this one, oh good work. Tell me how not to be pissed.

But not totally unhappy today cuz met Jessie Tan when I was going to the toilet and she said that IES specially mentioned me. Lalala. That's good news. And I have the feeling when the 4 new interns come in they would be compared to me and PHT. HEH.

I slept from like 2pm to 8pm. Yeah, I know what a pig. But ya I was so exhausted. Again this is why I'm pissed when shit happens (refer to par. 2). And I just realised for the whole day I only ate seaweed chicken and hashbrown. Unconsciously dieting. HAHA.

I think I'm gonna finish up all my tutorials and admin stuffs this week. Oh and finish watching til ep 12 of Hi, My Sweetheart. OH YA I just downloaded Show Luo's Lover's Puzzle. His new 2010 CD. Woots I hope its good! =) OK BYE. Shall have my dinner now.

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