Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nose problem

Hello did not come for training today cuz I have flu and terrible sore throat. But then of course today was supposed to be Meiliang's belated birthday celebration so I wouldn't want to miss it. HAHA. Bought the cake from Woodlands. Was really careful in carrying it cuz I'm known to be super clumsy. Anyway, glad that Meiliang is happy and she likes the present. <3

After that, went shopping with Weilin and Yan Ping. Cuz Weilin wants to buy her earpiece. She took like super long to choose. First she want earpiece then she wants headphones. In the end she bought headphones black and pink combi. HAHA. There was one earpiece purple colour super chio but since my earpiece is still in working condition I don't see the need to spend like 38 bucks on that one. I bought 2 cuffs with studs ($13.80) and a top from Cotton On ($15). Should really stop spending money already. TSK. The 2 kuku made me walk like alot la. But I had fun with them. =)

I forecast a fever coming up. :/

Finished watching Hi, My Sweetheart til episode 12. OMG I actually cried. Like wtf. I haven't cried for a long long time. Now waiting for episode 13. I thought that it will be a short story?! But like in episode 13 he's back being the old guy then she's back being the old guy then they're starting anew.... Erm when will it end?! But the later episode is he's back to the old self and I prefer him to be the original Show Luo. TSK. I watched like episode 10 - 12 episode 13 better come out fasterly! Okay I shall find something else to do.

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