Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just the day

WEDNESDAY, 27/01/2010

I'm exhausted. I'm so tired that I didn't even put conditioner on my hair okay! And regretting it now. TSK.

Anyway, sessions today was tiring.
Low stamina level + runny nose + full stomach + tired and sleepy self, not a good combination. HAHA. Hopefully rehearsals on Friday will be okay and the performance on Saturday as well. >.<

Oh ya had FYP briefing just now. And I am kind of excited. I realised that going into the events section may be a good choice for me though I do have to discuss with my group mates about it. My contacts may help me and without realising I do have 3 contacts that are pretty useful (my dad, my aunty and my ITP company). So yup. But now I shall think and worry about that later on after I've completed my 2nd year. =)

The meeting just now also made me realise that there will be alot of things going on during the holidays as well. Another busy holidaysssss. HAHAHA. I know that I should be like sleeping now as I have GEMS tomorrow at 8am. BUT I do have a lot of things to do so I can't sleep YET. Oh myyy. Okay la I should get going. BYE

OMG so excited after reading THIS. DARAGON <3

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