Sunday, November 08, 2009


Omg I feel like I’m dying. I know that Waves is over but there’s like tonnes of things waiting for me to do. Right now, I haven’t chosen my article for Critical Reasoning Skill yet. And it’s like worth 30%!! And I have to prepare for Project Management presentation this Friday. Apparently a big one. Can’t remember the percentage. Lucky thing I’ve already done Law. Still have Resource Procurement and Construction tutorial to be done. Supposedly to be handed in last Thursday and Friday respectively but since there was LOA I didn’t do it. I shouldn’t have wasted yesterday. TSK.

SO. Waves is over and according to the people who came, they say that it’s good. Somehow the feeling I have after the concert is not as syiok as last year and I don’t know why. But nevertheless, I know I did my best and to perform in 3 items this year is definitely something to be happy about. And the friendships that I’ve made and the people that I’ve bonded with. I’m still having flu and cough. Don’t know when it will go away.

Looking at the pile of things for me to do freaks me out. This year have been very hectic so far and I don’t even have a day that I can sit down and rest and just take a break. Oh god. But I know I have to do it. And I know I can.

Oh I kinda miss J and H. Iman will not be able to reply me for the next 2 weeks for god knows why. Okay because of some stupid thing in NS I think. And Raska is busy with school now that his holidays are over. So ya. Nothing much for me to look forward to. Oh what a sad sad life.



I’m trying to like calm myself down and don’t flare up. My mum’s been rambling on and on again. This time it’s my elder sister’s fault. It sucks when it is not your fault yet you are dragged into the situation. I’m already having a hard time thinking of what to say for my article without any research materials and I have to listen to her ramblings. And turns out my sister attending the concert is like almost redundant. It is probably like a day out with her boyfriend for her and not exactly to support her sister and watch the show. She cannot remember the dances and she don’t get the story. I mean okayla she don’t remember the items fine la but the items that I’m in?! And I looked at the camera that they brought. Half of them are like pictures of her with her ugly boyfriend. Like wtf. Super pissed off. And my dad forever hogs the internet. URGH.

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