Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wasting the time away

CAFEO 27 rehearsal just now was a total waste of time. But it was very fun to see the IES people again. They seem extremely happy to see us. HAHA. Oh but it made me miss my Engineering tutorial which I'm starting to like. I did do the practical part though. Doing the circuit to light up the bulb. The freaking hole is like so tiny and we have to fit in 2 wires. Like wth? Me and Qide have to keep on screw the thing in cuz it kept on coming out.

Oh ya back to the rehearsal. We were given $7 for dinner. Me and PHT went to Starbucks! HAHA. I was really noob cuz I never order my own drinks before. Its always someone else ordering for me. I hate ordering food. I drank some Mocha thing with Croissant and PHT drank the same thing with waffles. The waffles is damn nice. Okay not damn but its not bad. HAHA.Then 11 of us (IES staff plus me and PHT plus some others) have to act like the ASEAN delegates for the marching in with the flag bearers. I was Laos! HAHA. I totally had no idea how my flag looked like. So ya it was just rehearsing going up the stage. Blablabla. Shaun started fiddling with the camera. He likes to disturb PHT. Haiya PHT arhhh now that Eugene is gone, its Shaun. TSKTSK. Then damn funny Joyce and the rest asked us whether we got our pay already and we said we haven't then they were like so excited to ask Bee Lan for our cheques. HAHA. At least I know that I'll be getting my pay soon. ITP was really fun and my company is the best. I sort of miss it. Especially the company. =)

Agree with Mrs Dr. AP, PM sucks to the core. URGH.

OMG one of the character in The Mentalist is called Jake. TSK. What is this?!

When one goes, another comes along.
V then J then H then I then F then L.

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