Thursday, November 19, 2009

A loooong daaaaay

Omg Project Management is a nightmare, seriously.

So yesterday, had sessions, liked Gladys choreo. My bones are getting rusty. TSK.
Then had meeting. Didn't go for Cherie's rehearsal. I kind of miss Waves 14 rehearsal :/
Don't know leh.
Then went Long John Silver's at Clementi with a bunch of other people. Weisheng is retarded.
Went home and did the Project Management thingy til 3am. Walau I think I'm like super slow. I need so long to do a single thing. Haiyaa.

This morning was like wtf la. I made an effort to wake up early which was not easy when you only have less than 3 hours of sleep. Then when I reached Dover, Qide called me saying that GEMS is freaking cancelled. Like WTF. On a day that I was on time. URGH. But at least gave me time to do PM. HEH.

The whole day in school today was PM all the way. I was like fixed to my laptop the whole time regardless whether its lecture or tutorial or break. And when I came home, I was supposed to be doing the slides but I decide to take a nap BUT I set the time at 7.30AM instead of PM. How stupid is that?! End up I woke up like 9.30pm?? Lucky thing I didn't sleep all the way. Or else....
I felt damn bad to LF and ML laa. Its my first time working with them and I am like so unproductive and I dragged the project til damn last minute. Haiyaaa. =( But thanks alot to you two for being so understanding!! =))

I have to like really start working harder this sem maan. Lagging behind in a lot of work. I haven't even hand up my first Construction tutorial la. Urgh. Nadiah, time to focus!

Okay I shall have my meal now. Damn hungry.

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