Saturday, November 21, 2009

Should be in lala land

Hello. Okay I know I'm supposed to be sleeping cuz there's dance later. But I slept from 4.30 to 8 so yup pretty awake although I have a really bad headache cuz I didn't eat until I woke up. HAHA. I'm starting to watch Hot Shot again. I'm actually at don't know what episode already but its been months since I last watched it so I'm starting from the start. I didn't know its playing at Ch U now. But I have the whole thing in my laptop. =)

Oh ya beetles has been infesting my house. Its disgusting really. There was one dead one on the floor and then there's one flying around which my dad caught and threw out and then I think I heard another one. Walauuuu and can't even use Shieldtox cuz its flying and I can never be subtle in my movements. HAHA.

I wished that people will stop giving me shit. Stop taking things for granted and start listening. It sucks when you think everything is done and one by one people come find you to give you shit. What is this?! Irritating, annoying people. I know la its my job but wtf so long already now then say. Irresponsible. TSK.

I shall reply to R then go to bed. Bye.

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