Saturday, November 21, 2009


Dance today was kind of tiring. Wah the warm-ups and stretching was like tiring but syiok. HAHA. A lot of people did not come. Although there is like lesser people and I think it was easier to focus BUT ya A LOT of people did not come!! What is my point? Nvm. Anyway I was having like a super terrible headache the moment I woke up. It’s the one sided kind. I was like pulling my hair like some kukubird on the train. HAHA. Oh Ryan’s choreo was super awesome but damn hard. And he said there’s gonna be a backroll. I am sooo gonna be traumatised again. :/

Had lunch then Cherie’s choreo. And I was like telling Cherie my headache is like one side only and she was like oh you dance my choreo, your headache will be both side. And really eh. After she went off my head was like throbbing like freaking mad. But after seating down for a while and dancing abit, it got better. HAHA. Went home with Sabieee, Ling Wei and Amanda. I love them very much. =))

Watching Hot Shot now!! HAHA.

Its weekends, shouldn’t you like book out already?? TSK.

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