Sunday, November 01, 2009


Tagged is spamming my emails like shit. I checked last night and cleared all the notifications then I checked just now and there was like 30+ more. And while I'm typing this some more notifications are coming in. Like wtf. But I don't want to off the notifications thingy cuz I do want to know when certain people msg me. :/

Had a super bad start today. Came home last night, had my 'dinper' then air out my costumes and I just LIE on the bed. And without me realising it I fell asleep. Without setting the alarm. I woke up at like 8.40am? Wah panicked like shit. I still have to wear contacts some more. I was like a mad woman going all over the house to take my costumes cuz I air it at different places (living room, balcony and my room). Lucky my dad sent me to school. Or else I'll be dead meat. He was grumbling of course. But whatever I reached school on time. (WTF another email from Tagged) Had helmet hair and the way he rides the bike is annoying. He's like the dream of any traffic police. He doesn't cut people (bike leh, can go in between cars!) and he doesn't speed (but no difference cuz when you're on a bike, it feels like the bike is going very fast. I was looking at the speed thingy and its extremely slow). I was smsing Brian, Sab and Yus on the way and before I knew it I was already at SP and he went to the T1 area there. -.-
Oh I just found out recently that some people have never ride a bike before. Like wth!! Its so fun can. I'm gonna take bike license when I have the time and money and gonna get all this people to ride with me. HEH. The only bad thing is the helmet hair. But then again I'm meant to be driven around cuz I have no sense of direction and cannot read the map so I'll probably only know my way from SP to Woodlands back and forth. HAHAHHA. So ya. HEH.

Okay I should be doing research now. OH am watching TV also. One of the Exorcist show. The guy who's possessed looks scarily like Allen. HAHAHHAHAHAHHA. Seriously. Ok bye.

Hershey's Sundae Pie is damn syiok laaa. HAHA.

[i][b][c=2]Chrystyan Raska[/c][/b][/i] says:
i prefer being loved
Nadiah says:
oh well i'm sure you'll find someone soon! =)
just remember that i love you k! HAHA. =)
[i][b][c=2]Chrystyan Raska[/c][/b][/i] says:
yes i know
but you're too far away for a hug :(

AWWWW. HAHA. I love my V so much. =)
And I am doing CRS!!! While chatting of course. HEH.

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