Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Out from under

So today was another waste of time. Really.
Let's see, there was Event Creation and Market Research. Since my group presented last week, it was just sitting there listening to the other groups present. Was just talking to Debbie and finding the back of her ear stud half of the time. Okay the Tom Yum instant noodle with egg before lesson was not a waste of time. Qide and WWW was late la. Borrowed a book from library. Okay that's not a waste of time. It will be able to cure my boredom. Then there was this site visit at Singapore Expo. Didn't know that it was so far from school. Slept alot on the way. Anyway, it was sort of a bore la. Just listen to presentation and walk around looking at the halls. Came back to school, discussed EC and MR, opened letterbox, dropped by clubhouse, talked to Sabbbieee and Jieling for awhile, ate 2 piece chicken and went back to library to do research. Working alone can be quite productive although I did stray to other websites. Whatever.

Decided to drop by dance as staring at the computer can be pretty tiring. I think Bin had created some hard routine for warmups as they all look tired and sweaty. Oh going to dance wasn't a waste of time either cuz Bin drilled on the routine and choreo. So yup. And the juniors are really very cute. Although there were like only 7 seniors (including me and Bin) I felt that it was the most productive yet fun session that I had this year. =) Although it would have been better with the rest of the senjas. :/

Anyway, when I went home after bathing and reading like 4 chapters of the book I just borrowed, I went to eat a super late dinner and was talking to my mum. And I conclude that I am seriously a very good secret keeper. For the simple reason that my memory is really bad. =) You tell me something now, I will most probably forget it like 5 minutes later. But that's not to say that I'm not a big mouth. If it comes to talking I can talk non-stop. Seriously. If you have the same wavelength as me, even a 10 hour MRT ride will never be boring. HEH. But it definitely applies to certain people. Like if they don't get me or I just don't like them then I can shut up the whole time. If you got me talking for like 15 mins, I can continue with you for like hours after that. If not then, too bad, you'll die of boredom with me.
*I realise that there's alot of 'ifs' in here.

Okay la whatever la. Don't need read if your name is Yusniza cuz you probably know this already. No wait. You SHOULD know this already. HAHA.
Anyway, he is online but I'm appearing offline. Don't ask me why. I'm just not in the mood to talk to him. Although ya I really missed the chats we used to have. :/ The last one was in June okay! Haiya whatever la. Think about this kind of thing also no use right?? Yes, I know.

Okay after like 3 tries then I can upload photos. KNS. This is using Firefox by the way. Explorer completely screwed up only give me HTML and Chrome, I cannot enlarge the photo and resize it while I'm editing. BUT Google Chrome is still awesome. Take a look at this: (taken some time ago)
Okay then just now while in the library was looking at my email. And I really like it. Okay the 1st and the 2nd photos is how my emails look like when I open the inbox. The 3rd one is emails from Raska. That answers the question on how I can get his photos. Cuz he sent it to me. I wasn't stalking at all! Of course I did transfer it to my phone la. HAHA. The last one is his friend request. To fill up the space cuz 3 pics look weird. HAHA. If interested, click to enlarge. If not, don't have to click lorh.

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