Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's never easy when things is not the way you want it to be

Sorry for the super long title.
So many things are happening now that I don't even have time for myself, no time to even get a good nights' rest. Its been like 2-3 am sleep and 6am wake up for like a few days in a row. I'm like damn exhausted, can barely open my eyes but I can't sleep. I have these to do by Friday.
1) Event Creation and Market Research proposal
2) Cross Cultural Studies presentation
3) Waves proposal (preferably by this week :/)
I can go bonkers.

Today's presentation was okay I guess. Though I have to edit most of the proposal. But Sally really likes our poster I think. Its really very nice. Credit goes to the three who does most of the stuffs. Interview was like err. Cuz I had to go in with Louis and Is from 03 and dammit they can sell themselves pretty well. And they are like 20 this year laa. So old. I crapped my way through most of the questions. Like seriously, I don't think I'll survive in the events industry. And I don't think I'll continue with it like for the rest of my life.
Had lunch with some juniors and the rest. Session was okay. Felt really short.

I don't know whether I should do something or just follow the flow. I really hope that S will not be so stressed up and get the thoughts of quitting out of her mind. No matter how hard it is, I will be here for you. =)

And that ShE will realise what's going on and try to change the way it is now. I don't understand her ways and I don't approve of her methods but could I say more? Its bugging me really. Big time.

I hate it when people complain that they're too busy. I hate it when people study when its not study time. I hate it when people say they have no time. Its like excuses.
I have THIS and THAT and still manage to find time to do what I'm supposed to do so I don't understand why others can't. They may think that I'm the kind who don't study (like a certain Adam Chua) or that I don't take my work seriously but that's not true. I do my stuffs and put in as much effort as I can. And my results is really not bad. I may not show it but my planner is full of things that I dread taking it out everyday.

And I really really really miss the times when I'm chatting with him. We may have drift apart, but I know that he thinks of me. If not he won't do some of the things that he do. Why oh why do we have to be in a completelly different part of the world?

Omg my eyes are like shutting down and telling me to go to sleep and forget all that I'm supposed to do. :/

Ended up spamming people's wall for the Milo thingy. Personal relations and Marketing is like rubbish la honestly. Grading through Facebook and we have to do Twitter. Urgh.

And how come he doesn't talk to me. =(

Can I please please please not come to school tomorrow? How come lesson is cancelled but I have GEMS. Urgh spoiler. And I don't feel like going for the dinner. :/

Should I or should I not. But initiative should come from both sides. Not this way.
Should I or should I not. Make the move that may be a very wrong one and spoils everything there is now?
Should I or should I not. Throw out everything and forget about even doing my best in it?
Should I or should I not. Go to sleep now, skip GEMS tomorrow, do the abovementioned stuffs at home and come for PR and dinner tomorrow?

Told ya I'm going bonkers.

Its frustrating when things don't turn out the way you want it to be.
Its irritating when people around you just don't get your body language.
Its annoying when you have so much things to do yet 24h is not enough.
Its useless feeling all messed up when there is solution to everything.
Its stupid to wait for something that you know is impossible yet you just can't bear to give up that hint of hope.
Its just plain irresponsible to leave me hanging.

Okay I think I should go sleep now since my focus is gone and I'm not doing anything much. I hope that lady luck will be smiling on me the rest of this week. Once this week is over, I can breathe easily. Maybe not. I mean, breathe better. Nonsense. Bye la.

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