Monday, June 01, 2009

Hey Monday

Today was awful awful awful.
Had the first of my MST paper which is Logistics and Site Operations. OMG I can dieee.
Firstly I only studied on my way to school. Which is for about 1hr+.
Cuz I tried to study when I came home after camp but was too drowsy so I decided to take a nap and set my alarm to 10.30pm to study. BUT I never wake up. And thankfully my mum has a good motherly instinct and woke me up at 6.20am or else I'll be late for my paper cuz obviously I off my alarm and did not reset it. I heart my mum (although she kept asking me whether I've studied. But she did prepare water bottle for me to bring and wished me good luck for the paper).
The paper is such an ass. I bet NOTHING I wrote on my answer booklet is found in the notes. Nothing at all. I just crap my way and used my common sense. So I really hope my common sense is good. I am only confident of my answer for 1 out of 5 essay questions. URGH.
And after the paper, Alvena, the invigilator was like telling those who kept on coughing to see a doctor and she looked directly at me. HAHA cuz I kept coughing throughout the paper. No idea why cuz I was okay when I woke up.

Just woke up from sleep and discovered that even after camp, all the stuffs are not done yet. Campers are contacting me about their stuffs. But I must be really dead from my sleep cuz even though the ringtone was in full blast, I cannot hear a thing. Urgh I hope this is the last time campers are contacting me. I hope I won't be bugged down with all the campers.

Anyway, camp was really FUN. Kudos to Sabrina and Peggie.
Although is was really tiring for me as I have to keep on going clubhouse then to the camper's bunk. Nevertheless, the campers are so funny as each one that I brought always have something to tell me. So I have a few gossips here and there although I'd probably forgotten half of them. And it really made me feel happy when they thanked me before they went off. =)
I bet the campers had alot of fun.
OH and JIELING IS SUPER CUTE. I bet she'll read this when she's blog hopping. And since she bookmarked my blog url I bet she'll come to mine. =) I wonder whether she and A will get together. They make quite a cute couple don't you think? ;)
I am dead tired after the camp.
Heart the Camp Chief, Game Master, GPs, CLs and campers(other than one!HAHA).
And I have a new crush! Two actually. :/ No, not campers. HAHA.

Personal Relations and Marketing tomorrow. Obviously I haven't started yet.
I need all the luck in the world.
Just checked my email and I have 44 emails! Within 3 days of not checking. -.-
But V is still MIA. Maybe he's dead. Just kidding.

Monday: Logistics and Site Operations.
Tuesday: Personal Relations and Marketing.
Wednesday: Cross Cultural Studies and IT for Events.
Thursday: Event Creation and Market Research and Understanding Weather.
Friday: Accounts and Finance.

URGH. Save me. I won't even get to see my Senja people at this period of time in which it is the very peak of my stress level. :( URGH.

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