Saturday, May 23, 2009


OMG I just found out why H has stopped msging me. Its really funny actually. So yup, one more person for me to erase from my database although I have to admit that he is kind of cute. Ok whatever. I still heart my V many many.

Training today was okay. Felt like sessions. Is it just me or there seems to be lesser people? Since I never keep track of attendance anymore I don't know. HAHA.
Went shopping after that. I loveeee my PJs. Wearing it now. WOOHOO.
Bought a lanyard. Two in fact cuz I happen to be a compulsive shopper just now.
Senja Crew rawks! Can't wait for camp.

I hope the performance tomorrow will be okay. The stage is freakingly small. Oh and I saw Huihui and Jane working as NutriSoy promoters. They look so cute in their schoolgirl like skirts. At least they're earning money.

Anyway I am pissed that my modules are rubbish. Other than Accounts and Finance which is awesome as I can do Income Statement on my own. I hate the rest. But then again, I say that every semester. Hmm.
Urgh I have no idea why must they involve Facebook in tutorial. Its rubbish. Now I have to abstain from writing notes cuz I'll probably write nonsense and not something that a future employer wants to see. URGH.
Go write nice things on my wall. I'll be grateful forever to you as you might help me in getting my A.

OMO there's a new Sony Ericsson phone! With WiFi. OMO. I want. Though its kind of ugly. And I want my unlimited SMS! TSKK

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