Saturday, May 16, 2009

Peanut butter Jieling <3

Had a super duper long day today. Didn't go for dance as there's this CCA conference thing.
I was prepared for the boredom that's coming.
So we came and registered, they prepared stickers for us to paste on our shirts with our name, position and club name. And its not the normal sticker material kind. Chio one. HAHA.
Had like a couple of talks by various people. Wasn't really paying attention and kept on playing with Jieling's phone. Then we played some games with balloons and we started doodling on the balloon. Too bad the picture is in Jieling's phone. I can't remember what happen to my balloon. Probably somewhere in my bag. Then we moved to SPGG. Gail so suaku. Never go there before. And the both of them damn suaku again when I showed them the toilet with an additional room with the jacuzzi, steam room and sauna. Waah super suaku laa the two of them. Gail said that we should go there some there and try out all the stuffs. The membership after you graduate is freaking ex laaaa. Then we did some problem solving stuffs. Went back to clubhouse as Gail needed to do some stuffs and I wanted to check on my forms. Guess Ethel didn't drop by on Friday at all. Went down to FC5 to meet those who were going for KO Nite. Moosh, Augustin, Allen, Lulu and Weisheng. I was talking to Lulu and Allen and then Moosh and Jieling discovered that they have a common interest in Cello and they ended up talking about it the whole way to MRT. -.- Even from the opposite tracks. DOINK.

Oh btw, they feed us like pigs laaaaaa. Quote from Gail.
There was TWO tea breaks and 1 lunch. And the food was AWESOME.
We had like noodles, wanton and some white thingy that I don't know what but is Gail's fav and cake for tea break.
Then there was rice and a few dishes for lunch. I am in love with the fish!!! Okay it was just fish fillet with tartar sauce. But still! Its damn nice. When Gail and Jieling went for the desserts I got two more pieces of the fish! OMG. And I wanted some more fish but I don't want to be so greedy so I didn't. Then when its time to go back, there was like tonnes of fish leftover. WTF. All this people don't appreciate fish. Gail and Jieling would probably roll their eyes when they read this cuz I kept on raving over the fish the whole day. HAHA.

OH I FORGOT!! There was like angmohs training at the stadium when we walked there from SPGG. OMG OMG OMG. They are cute okay, Jieling!! Okay two of them. HAHA. I literally went crazy! I've never seen so many angmohs in SP before!! Are they like gonna be there every Saturday??? Jieling is right. I should go there every Saturday and sit in the middle of the field and invite them for picnic, righhhht JL!!! HAHA.
Anyway I spotted one really good looking one sitting on the benches without his shirt on. OMG super hot. Okay, okay I have to stop this.

Anyway, I love my President and Treasurer many many! They are such awesome company.
When all of the other clubs were like dead, we got really high and started playing games(catch the mouse <3 and rhythm game) and doing random dance. Gail taught us popping! Oh and me and Gail came up with an extension of 'Peanut butter Jieling' song. There's dance moves but I can't remember. Only Gail does. It goes:
G: Peanut butter Jieling.
N: Shitting in the toilet.(cuz she went to shit at one point of time. HAHA.)
G: Penut butter Jieling.
N: Toilet so smelly.
G: Peanut butter Jieling.
N: Jieling so smelly.
Cool righhhhttt. I know. Lyrics courtesy to Gail Yeo and Ili Nadiah. Copyright reserved! (can sue one!!)

Anyway, now that all is done. Its back to a busy weekend with all the tutorials from the previous post to be done. :(
I don't want!! I'm still waiting for my phone to finish charging and my sis to come back with strawberry milk tea. WOOHOO! Okay I'm still quite high from giggling with the two girls the whole day.
Back to work!! I can do this. Woosh! =)

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