Friday, May 15, 2009


OMG I am sooooo freaking sleepy but I can't sleep. Its soo early.
And supposedly I have alot of things to do but I'm not starting on any.
Internet is a distraction.

I feel so tired all the time. I know that I don't have enough sleep.
There's tutorials to worry about and my timetable this sem really sucks as I don't have afternoon class. No matter how many people tell me that I should be grateful as the latest I finish is at 4pm, it still sucks. Take today for example, finish lesson at around 11am, ended up going home at like 5pm.
There's a CCA Conference tomorrow at 8am til 6pm. OMO save me. Lucky I have senja girl as company. <3 And I'll miss all my Senja people tomorrow. OMO. :(

Things to be done:
1) Cross Cultural Studies Tutorial Part B.
2) Cross Cultural Studies Tutorial Part A research.
3) Event Creation and Market Research survey questions.
4) Event Creation and Market Research survey and presentation.
5) MS Access Questions.
6) Play around with MS Access. OMG I just remembered there's a test on Monday! DIEE.
7) Dance and camp stuffs.

I'll most probably be online most of the time during the weekends but I'll appear off. SO just leave me a message and I'll sure reply. Busy is goooood. Keeps my mind off things. Like H and V. TSK. Seriously I realise that they take up alot of my time and my memory space so I shall put them in my recycle bin first. (Okay that was lame)

From Qide's blog:
Normally anyone in the right mind would swim vertically in the pool unless you are Nadie.

From Debbie's blog:
D: "Tomorrow bring bp?"
W: "I guess so."
D: "Ok, tell Q. Bp day."
W: "Haha alright, I msg Q. You telling N?" (Since when Wendy uses Gossip Girl language?!)
D: "Since when does she not bring her bp you tell me?"
W: "Hahaha, OOPSIE DAISY." You see Nadzy and Pix, Wendy failed the Test of Friendship. *Shakes head in disbelief*

This is home, truly
Where I know I must be
Where my dreams wait for me
Where that river always flow.
I probably irritate Circus Gang and people at the clubhouse with my patriotic singing just now.

Okay I will start on my CCS now. HMPH.

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