Saturday, April 04, 2009


Lots to update about.
So I shall appear offline until I've finished.

Had training to finish up That's The Way It Is choreo.
Hmm actually all that I remembered was Charlotte, Heng Thye and Hanafi watching us dance.
And I was like freaking nervous and yeah, I suck.
Anyway, everyone wasn't really in the right state of mind. With Jia Hui not sleeping because of camp and getting overly high. And the rest of us were all pretty dead and tired and maybe cuz there wasn't space.

Had dance again. This time at Moberly.
Charlotte came to see our progress.
And it was really very bad, for me that is.
Not only do I stumble with the dance steps cuz I can't remember them, even if I do remember the steps, somehow the way I execute it isn't the way I want it to be.
Sometimes I wonder what I've done for the past 4 years in Riverside's Modern Dance.
I can't do splits, my kicking sucks, the way my body moves is super stiff and my turns are horrible. The list goes on. The thing is, I know I've tried but maybe not hard enough. And usually I don't have the motivation to push myself and do better.
I look at the rest and I think that 'Hey, they're really good.' And what makes it worse is, they have no background and they start from scratch and they are good, better than me.
It bugs me all the time.

FRIDAY 030409
Met up with Debbie and Wanyu =)
Had my two piece chicken at Taka's KFC. YUM. HAHA.
And update W of whatever happen(and didn't) between me and V/F, D and A.
Then we walked around Cold Storage to find Pop Tarts and Kinder Joy.
That outlet is so lousy. They only have the old Kinder Surprise. And even the Pop Tarts is not the nice flavours.
Hmm I can't really remember where exactly we go. All I know is that I think I walked the whole Orchard Road.
Then we settled in Starbucks at Centrepoint I think. Okay THAT outlet is awesome, they don't check whether we have drinks or not. So we just sat there, make ourselves at home and do more talking.

Anyway, I heart the company. It will be better if Qide were to be there. But a girls day out is just as fun =)
Oh and did I mention the many good-looking angmohs that I saw?? OMG. I never ever realised that when I go Orchard before. Has it always been like that? HMM. LOL.

I love you, Debbie and Wanyu and Qide. <3
We gotta have a picnic and cook pancakes at Debbie's house before school.
I can't wait for school to start! =)

Dance training. Okay everyday is dance now.
As usual, training killed me. Gladys and Chen Min combined together is lethal. LOL.
But Gladys said that some of my techniques are getting better. =))
Didn't full out on Backyard. Heh.
Then me, Yus and Sab went to Dover MRT to have our lunch (?)
HAHA I bought only Strawberry Milk Tea and Mr Bean.
And I was already full.
After that did the choreo. Somehow I think I'm getting better today, I hope. :/
At least my timing's almost the same as Yus's and Gladys said that we two have more power. Heh.

Anyway I am pretty happy today. Cuz I have 3 emails that I want to receive.
And yeah, I loooove my timetable (no link, I know)
Haha what's not to love when you don't have 8am classes and the latest time school finish is at 4pm? Now the only thing that will make this semester more enjoyable is getting same GEMS as Qide and maybe Wanyu and Debbie if they're not taking Physchology.
Whatever it is, we shall stick to N&W, right Qide? =)

And hmph you 3 are supposed to be online! TSKK.

Okay changing status to available for V to talk to me. =)

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