Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dead tired

Just came from my sis birthday celebration.
Went there, ate the food and slept. I was soo freaking sleepy and tired. LOL.
Woke up and played 1 round of Uno and 2 rounds of Happy Family with my sisters and cousin.
I won the game of Uno and 1 round of Happy Family. And they took sooo long to finish the game.
Maybe sleeping helps. LOL.
Watched Devil Wears Prada on Ch5 after that.
Didn't had that much fun. Maybe cuz I was grouchy after waking up.
Came home and I thought that I want to send the video the That's The Way It Is people.
Guess what, no one's online. -.-
So I guess I'll just transfer it back to cam. In case they want to review whats lacking.

My mum's FORCING me to go out on Saturday AND Sunday.
OMG and school start on Monday. WTF.
Doesn't she know that rest is important for the health and the body? TSK.
Freaking pissed.
Whatever it is, I am NOT going on Sunday.
She don't even let me go out on Tuesday to meet Circus Gang before my performance la!
That's annoying. So sorry, guys. REAAALLY sorry. =(

OOOHHH Jie ling's online.
Sending her the video now. DAMN big. -.-
Blocked V though. I don't want talk to him tonight. HAHA.
Retarded I know.
Jia hui JUST told me that we are performing FOUR times tomorrow.
And I might have to report as early as 7.45 am.
OMG. Save me.
Freaking tired. Even school is not THIS tiring.

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