Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mood Spoiler

Yesterday I had fun.
Hanging out at Riverside. Turns out that there's nothing to worry when we enter anymore.
The juniors are better this time. Their techniques. And the lead dancer has great emotions.
Had our cup noodles with Yus and Diy just like the old times.
Except that we upgrade from the normal Big Gulp to bubble tea now. =)

And then when I come home, my mum just have to burst my bubble.
She cut me off from telling her about my trip and started to ramble on about the things that I never do.
And 2 of the things can be done by my sis!
But did she scold my elder sis when she come back? NO.
And she make it sound that I use the internet for like hours before I go out.
When in actual fact, I use like 45mins and my sis was the one who use for hours until she was late for her work.
But did she know that? NO. Did I tell her? NO.

I wanted to check my GPA this morning.
Because the stupid sms just tell me about my grades.
What does THAT matters? I just wanna know my GPA.
My mum was using the laptop and she scolded me asking me to bathe first.
Doesn't she know the meaning of excitement and anticipation??
And she doesn't have to scold me!
And now she's on the phone. If its not the phone, its the internet. And vice versa.
That bugs me.

If not for all the abovementioned I would be the happiest girl right now.
I'm happy with my results considering that I slacked through the sem.
It was better than the last sem.
AND he sent me not one but TWO messages this morning.
How happy can I be?
But no I'm not. Cuz I'm feeling crabby right now.

I can't believe I'm saying this. But I'm just dying to get out of the house.

I'm sorry if you have to read all my rambling. It just makes me feel better.
And I have to let it out now as I don't like others to be affected by me when I'm around them.
I don't mind being called irritating and annoying but I mind being called crabby, emo and moody.
Cuz that's just not who I am.

I.G.N.O.R.E. is the best.

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