Tuesday, March 17, 2009

All around me

Shall blog about yesterday before I go on to the good news.

Had performance. I got more nervous than usual because Charlotte came late.
I hope she's okay. :/
After that I had sessions.
And OMG it is the most productive and tiring and satisfying and enjoyable session I had after Waves.
Jia Hui taught us her chereo. LOADS of techniques. But really nice and fun.
Then did Bye bye as well. Gladys taught us the ending of the chereo.
She taught me and Sab the partnerwork and I think its really cute but I might have forgotten it already. HAHA.
We just kept on practising over and over and over again.
And I actually had the motivation to do it =)
Gladys also taught me the body thingy for House. Although I don't think I'm doing it right as Allen laughed at me when I did it. HMPH.
JamieSek taught me Punking. (I think that's what its called)
And she said I pass with the hand thingy. HAHA.
Then Amanda refreshed my memory on doing the 6 step for B-Boy.
I remembered doing it during that few lessons of Hip Hop Junior Class. Me and Yus tried to count the number of lessons of Beginner and Junior class we attended. And I think I attended 3?? She attended two more than me. HAHA. I really HATE the PT! EEW. That's how much I hate running and no matter how much I love doing Hip Hop, the running just kills me.
Amanda also played the piano. Played Unfaithful but due to my poor memory I managed to sing just a few parts as I cannot remember the lyrics. HAHA.
Anyway she's REALLY VERY good. =) Especially that Secret piece.
Oh and I irritate everyone with my 'IS IT!'
It has become a natural reaction for me. HEHE.
Okay what else...hmm my memory has failed me countless of time but I think that's about it.
Overall it was a fun yet tiring session.
Jia Hui, I promise I'll practise and will TRY to chereo some parts. =)

Went to eat our Kway Teow.
Its THE BEST really. Though no matter how much the uncle and Yus said that its spicy, its still not for me. But its still nice. God I can eat it everyday!

Okay the good news.
Chances are meant to be taken. And I'm glad he did. With abit more, showing that he's trying.
But he's still confused and I hate it when people are confused.
I mean, there's usually 2 or 3 choices in everything. So just make a choice! So difficult IS IT!
Anyway. I'll just see how. He practically wrote an essay explaining why he didn't talk to me.

Going to Riverside today to see the training of our juniors for the upcoming SYF.
Hope we can enter though.
I'm excited to meet Ms Jenny and all my ex-dance mates (cannot find the right word!).

I have 4 bruises.
3 on my feet which if I'm not careful may develop into floorburns.
1 on my knee.
But its all worth it =)

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