Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pretty bored

Its like so early.

Okay Pascal did not reply to my msg at all.
He's out of ECs.
F, W and E did not go online so they are forgiven.
OHH I forgot to check R.
Okay fine.
I am so lazy to go out too, Debs.
I'm gonna stay at home.
Lots to dooo =)

12.31 PM
Taken from Debbie's blog:

To Nad:
Though a lot of distance lies between us, you'll always be in my mind and my heart. And every night beneath the stars, I pray for the day we'll never be part. You're such a great bitch. We have the same thinking half the time, maybe because you're not as wicked as me. Don't worry, you'll be up to standard soon. Haha, anyway, I love being friends with you because when you have Hotcakes, I can take your butter, when you have KFC, I can have your drink and whipped potato. I love talking about guys with you!! Haha. Anyway, I had a great time being friends with you and annoying you and bullying you and loving you. :) Oh BTW, I totally love doing projects with you cause both of us are so damn productive. Love you to the maxxxxxxx! .X

HAHA love you too, sweets. =)
We're gonna rawk year 2.
Me, you, Wendy and Qide!
IF WENDY makes it that is. HAHA!

2.32 PM
I'm talking to Debbie on Facebook wall, Blog tagboard and MSN.

5.16 PM
It's a surprise that I am still online.
I know my mum is just dying to chat with her contacts. HAHA
And she's already like listing the things that I should do now that it is the holidays.

I still haven't find out how to adjust the template thingy.
There is supposed to be links, archives and credit boxes by the way.

I've been playing Meet Me.
But because of the time difference all the ECs are not online.
Okay bye.

8.43 PM
My mum told me to go off so I am not using the modem I'm on wireless.
And its f-slow.
Talking to Debs AGAIN. HAHA!
We've been at it the whole day. =)

10.04 PM
The wireless is annoying.
And I'm back to rambling here every few hours =(

10.21 PM
Okaay this is getting pretty depressing.
Oh and I forgot where did the No.6 come from.
And none of them is online.
Are they doing homework or whaaat?

Haha if you are reading this post and wants to comment on my insanity, the tagboard is on the left. :)
Rest assured I will respond (as the wireless allows me access to THIS website)

11.14 PM
OMG my blog is scaring me.
When I entered the background was empty and the missing 3 boxes is at the top.
No dots behind.
And the case of the 3 missing boxes is not ENTIRELY solved YET.

I spammed my dance friends tagboard. =)
On Cherie's now.
SAB you're soo gonna miss it since you made your blog private.

I'm dying HERE.

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