Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Exams are FINALLY over =)
So relieved.
The paper is pretty manageable I guess.

The original plan was to watch movie after the paper.
But we ended up walking through Wisma Atria.
(actually only went to Cotton On, Forever 21 and Gap.)
Then we went to Takashimaya to eat.
In the end we just sat there at Macs and talked for about roughly 3 hours.
It was only me, Wanyu and Debbie as Qide couldn't make it.
Loads of rubbish talk.

So now I am free to go online.
Which I am pretty happy about.
Because of you-know-what.
There is like 50 notifications on Facebook.
6 friend requests and 1 comment from Tagged.

I think I'm suffering from insomnia and amnesia.
I slept at 5+am last night.
And had to wake up at 6am to meet the rest before the paper.
which means that I slept like only 30mins.
And I am not sleepy at all now.

Okay whatever.
Gtg, lots to do =)

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