Sunday, July 06, 2014


Random moments when I am on the way home and I suddenly have inspiration for a blog post. So here's my topic today: Things people tell me about me and what I think about them.

There are a few things that people ask or tell me all the time and I don't really explain myself, so hey these are my thoughts.

You look no difference with and without makeup. Well, thanks but urm okay? If that's the case then I have been wasting my money on makeup. Though I do think that my face with normal everyday makeup, yup not much difference but there are some days that I put much more effort on my makeup so hopefully those do look different. On a side note, even the most makeup I've worn is: concealer, bb cream as base, pressed powder, eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow to darken my eyebrows (yes, I don't pluck them or shape them at all cuz I couldn't be bothered) and blusher that's it. Contemplating to try lipstick but... I just could not stand it dammit.

You have a big butt. While other might take this as a compliment, I honestly take that as an insult. It is one of my inferiority. I mean I know that some people like big butts and all and really want those but for me..DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS. Like first, finding proper pants. When it fits nicely everywhere, I can't pull it up cuz my butt is huge. But when it does come up to my butt, the calves is not nice. I've resorted to wear jeggings, stockings and leggings instead of jeans. Do still wear jeans and normal pants obviously but its actually so hard to find those that fits.

You are hyper all the time. When I'm tired, I somehow get more active and start dancing around. It is just like my own mechanism to fight the fatigue. Not that it would make me any less tired but somehow it is better than being a complete zombie you know? And okay all the time means that happens when I'm not tired too and that.. I have no explanation at all HAHA. I guess I don't really like to exude a negative energy to people? So, I'm hyper cuz I'm happy or at least trying to be.

You are weird. Thank you, this is a compliment. Better weird than boring anytime baby. Mostly people say this because I'm picky with my food like I really hate vegetables. ALL OF THEM. And I don't eat them at all. And of course like certain things that I do or say and they'll be like, 'You're weird' but oh well whatever. I honestly have no issues on people calling me that.

You are quite short. In exact words: 'Eh you quite short eh'. Nothing I can do about this and please I am 156cm I think its a pretty common height. It just so happens that everyone around me (especially my classmates) are taller than me. And you know what? It is awesome to be short. Although people just call you cute all the time but well, that's a compliment yo. It just sounds better coming from a crush obviously (inserts smirk emoji). And I am pretty fine with my height honestly. Just annoying when I cannot reach things.

You're like a kid. Or childish for that matter. Part of this explanation is probably under the I'm hyper part. But the best explanation would be I always felt like I have to be an adult and mature all the time when I'm at home. Like I always have to be the rational and level headed one that can't let my emotions get the better of me. So when I am around others, I guess I can pretty much let go and just be a kid. Sometimes having someone tell me you're like a little kid/sister to me. I actually like it? I never had a brother and even with my sister, I always feel that I have to be more mature than her. She's mature in some ways, yes I admit, but not all the time. So even at home, I never felt like I am the younger one. Having someone to actually look after me and look out for me, I really like it. For once, I don't have to care about others and just be reliant on others. So yes, I admit that I do get childish but its definitely based on the situation and who I'm hanging out with.

You take too many selfies. LOL. Okay this comment was mainly from my classmates. But like seriously? If they see the amount of photos my friends take... mine is nothing. And scrolling through my instagram I do take more than necessary selfies in the past. But not now. Definitely. I have wayyy more photos obviously but recently I feel ugly all the time (not kidding at all) so yeah, no selfies for now.

Why don't you wear skirts or dresses? Firstly, I do wear dresses just with stockings so I guess it makes it less like a dress (what logic is that, I don't know). But I do like dresses. And if I can actually do wear a dress without stockings I'll do it everyday cuz it is sooo convenient. Skirts wise. I don't know its so girly that I don't think I can carry it off. I am not confident in it at all. But well never say never. I have my own skirt finally thanks to work so yeah more in future? I DON'T KNOW.

There you go. I probably have a lot more stuffs in my head just now but now nope. so just this. Till next time.


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