Thursday, July 03, 2014

Its always a good time

So many things has happened and I really want to blog about them all but I sort of forgot about the stuffs that has happened so far.

Although I do have to say one thing. Its only July, and it has been my most YOLO year ever. Did so many things I've never done before, tried so many things I've never tried before and went to places I've never been before. It has been an adventure so far and I'm looking forward to whatever that will come after. Already looking forward to certain things already but will not say it in case I jinx it! I'm superstitious like that.

Before all of that, of course there is school. Just 5 more weeks of school and one test and I'm done. Done with school. Forever. And you'll be looking at a Bachelor in Communications with Public Relations and Journalism major graduate. I am not looking forward to it actually. But well, we have to move on. As usual I am still not feeling the school mood at all. Been skipping classes like nobody's business and assignments.. last minute as usual. I am just sad that I have to be an adult after this, no student privileges and of course drifting away from my classmates. I feel that I have grown so much ever since I've entered university and they have played a huge part in that. I'm having so much fun everyday and even work has been pretty bearable. I'm loving everyone that is around me and so blessed with the few that I can rely on for anything. Especially S, J, E, F and M. They are the few whom I go for whenever I have something in my mind. My friendship with S is probably the most surprising out of them all but I'm so glad that we click off so well.

An update on my Korea trip: It was fun and epic and I so wanna go there again. Longer and with more money. So blessed to be travelling with K and A and despite all our bickering and troubles, we pulled it through and had fun.

So, that's it. Maybe an episode of something before re-doing my proposal and start doing some assignments (I hope).

Side note: I am so addicted to party songs and I've got to say I can't wait to party again after August.


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