Friday, February 28, 2014

Lazy song

Reasons why I am the laziest person on earth:

1) I bathe only when I'm going out. Which means that if I stay home the whole day I will probably not bathe. Until my mum nags at me and that will be like 9pm.

2) I don't wash my clothes regularly. Like right now, I have like about > 20 pieces of clothes to be hand washed. I mean you can't blame me when ALL of my working clothes have to be hand washed. And doesn't everyone does this too?

3) I can go for months with the same nail polish and am damn lazy to even take a nail polish remover to remove it even if there's only a speck of polish left on my nail.

4) My mum washes my water bottle for me every morning. Ok this is not because I'm lazy but because my mum insisted. But then again if she didn't I'll probably go for weeks without washing them. I mean like how is it even dirty. It's water inside and you use water to clean stuffs right?

5) Right now, my ear piece is in my ear and there's nothing playing but I just finished watching Running Man and I'm just too lazy to take it off/open itunes.

6) I go out bare faced like most of the time cuz WHAT IS MAKEUP.

7) I will read whatsapp messages, reply to convo A, close whatsapp, do my stuffs for an hour or so, read whatsapp, reply to convo B. Basically replying to just one convo each time I go on my phone. But this only applies to when I'm at home. I'm on my phone all the time when I'm out.

8) My Adidas watch has been out of battery for the longest time ever + the strap broke a while back and I still haven't dragged my lazy ass to go Bencoolen to fix it.

9) My hair has faded out from purple to some reddish brownish shade (some say orang utan colour) and I have yet to redye/touch it up.

10) I still have my Christmas gifts at the dining room table where I do my stuffs.

11) My lioness head from Waves 18 has been at the same spot in the living room since I left it after the second day of concert.

12) I'm not watching the TV now but its on cuz I'm too lazy to switch it off.

13) I couldn't decide which shoe to wear on Tuesday and decided to go with my H&M navy shoes but my green socks for my Converse is still on the floor where I left them before I left.

14) Even though I wash my hair often, I don't use conditioner all the time.

15) I don't floss.

16) Or use those mouth wash.

17) I have more receipts than money in my wallet.

18) I've been using my Kanken bag for the longest time ever cuz I'm lazy to unpack.

19) I have sweet wrappers in my bag.

20) I'm supposed to be doing my assignment and I'm writing this.

Ok I just realised that this makes me sound like an unhygienic person rather than a lazy one. But I bathe when it matters which is in the mornings. Soooo (inserts my favourite emoticon of the girl wearing pink).

And I'm just procrastinating from my assignment actually. Sighpie, kbye (it rhymes).


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