Saturday, December 05, 2009



03/12/09 11.27pm
At last I have time to update. Had CAFEO for the past few days so ya no time to update. HAHA.

Monday, 30/11/09
Came at 7.30am at Suntec Convention. Feels odd that I’m working with like the rest of the 03 and everything is quite unfamiliar. But the people from IES are still as nice as ever. I was assigned to the Secretariat Room with Pei Rong – okay her name is Mary-Anne but I’m the only one who calls her by her Chinese name. HAHA. Supposed to help out Mary with the speakers who come and wants to test their slides. We also have to download them to the laptop. Made friends with a few of the 03 people although can tell that some of them take some time to warm up to me. Another girl, Elizabeth is inside as well, printing the lanyards for the delegates. They all call her Eli and at one point of time it seems like they were calling my first name. HAHA. The refreshments were all in that room so we had like free flow of like tea, coffee and snacks. Super syiok. We were given lunch allowance of $7 and had to eat at the Food Republic. Wah the food there arh, cmi. Firstly, there’s like no malay food and secondly, its freaking expensive! I ended up eating Nasi Briyani which I really hate. Hafi, the other malay guy from 03 ate like Hokkien Mee. Yes, not halal. -.-

Then have to go to Flyer for the Opening Ceremony. Went there earlier with Choon Aik, Kai Liang and Joanne. Stupid Kai Liang said that it is very near and we should walk when the queue for the cab was very long. And Choon Aik agreed and so I have to drag my feet to walk. Me and Joanne keep on complaining. HAHA. I hate walking to the core. Then we get to ride the Flyer. For free. HAHA. It was supposed to be like one student ambassador to one capsule with 25 delegates. Thank god I was in the assigned to be the first batch and I’m with Karen. I can’t believe some of them don’t dare to go up. The thing move freaking slow and it is not as fun. Okay la maybe as a tourist but not for me. After a while I got tired of standing and I sat down. HAHA. Hello, 30 mins standing up. Siao. Then there was the dinner. Food was okay. Most of them I don’t eat. Surprisingly the pasta was the one I ate the most though I wasn’t a fan of pasta. HAHA. The dessert is awesome laaa. Then some of us have to head back to help set up for the next day. Ended up like super late. Shared a cab with Zhi Kang, 03 guy. He said that he’ll pick me up from my house the next day! I’m always amazed at people’s memory and wonder how they can remember things so easily. I still can’t give the right directions to my house til now. HAHA.

Tuesday, 01/12/09
Cabbed to Suntec with Zhi Kang. Freaking early have to reach like 6.45am okay! Have to wear SP blazers for the day. Oh ya there was the TP people and walau they wore jeans and sneakers yesterday! JEANS AND SNEAKERS. WTF. And I have to wear formal pants AND covered shoes. TSKKK. At least our blazers are waaaay nicer than theirs. Siew Keow gave me work the moment I came. But breakfast that was provided at the room is goooood. HAHAHAHAH. My friends came over as well. Then started job as crowd control with Wanyu and Hafi. The delegates are super stubborn. Never follow what I say and some just walk right past me. Irritating. Then Hafi had to go for some briefing shit. And Wanyu had to usher the other side so I was left alone. After that went back to secretariat room and helped Pei Rong. After my friends left, I ended up in the Secretariat room and helped out whatever there is. Oh have to do certificates for Andy. Me and Pei Rong did it. And we had so much fun trying to pronounce the names. HAHA. Seriously some of them are super hilarious. Okay la. It’s just my pronunciation. Lunch was at Gallery West and it was nice but stupid PHT forgot to ask me for lunch and when I came up they already finished and they didn’t want to wait for me. Irritating. Ended up I called Pei Rong to come up. Although it is not allowed as there will be no one left in the Secretariat room. But she still did. So nice of her la. HAHA.

Then work supposed to end at 5pm. But helped with the clearing up then Gary and PHT managed to get some Professor guy to treat us dinner. He gave us 48 bucks. HAHA. But we didn’t spend the money on ourselves and decide to buy donuts for the next day. But me, PHT, Gary and Joanne still went to eat. At Swensen’s. HAHA. Went home and straight away sleep.

Wednesday, 02/12/09
Work started at 12pm today. Somehow the few extra hours of sleep is not enough. I was still groggy. Supposed to meet earlier to buy the donuts. But PHT was having cramps so ended up I met up with Joanne and Karol to buy. Bought 3 boxes. HAHA. Super a lot laaa. Came and had lunch and the food was damn good. Really liked the brownies. Its without nuts or almonds or whatever stuff they put inside and on top of it is like chocolate fudge thingy. OMG super syiok. And the fish and the meat was awesome. Okay you get my drift. And its free. =)

I was assigned to be in charge of NJC malay dancers today and I was freaking out. Cuz since its Malay Dance the usual would be the minahs and the mats correct? BUT BUT BUT. When I came to meet them, the teacher in charge is a Chinese and she’s damn nice. Then the dancers like half of them are not even malay. Totally rocks. I have to be the runner to call out or for the performers when its their turn. Had trouble finding the acapella group at first. Stupid them go practice don’t know where. Hafi was supposed to help me but he went to toilet and shit for so long so I was all alone running around finding them. Then we were told that we can eat dinner with the rest of the delegates. They were already on their fourth course when we were told that. There is 7 courses. I joined in late cuz I had to be in charge of the performances first. Asked Hafi to save a seat but scared he didn’t so I msged Pei Rong. Don’t know why she was sooo looking forward for the acapella group. HAHA. Anyway, the food was okay. Most of them I don’t eat. HAHA. Please la. Give me popiah with turnips la. Shark’s fin soup la. Red bean soup la. Though its 7 course I was not full at all. Luckily I was with Hafi, Zhi Kang, Pei Rong and Abigail and they sort of helped me finished my food. HAHA. Then each country have to perform on stage. And it was very very very hilarious. Don’t know what they are singing half of the time. And imagine that going on for 10 countries. Okay la, the Malaysia one is good cuz the one who sang has a very nice voice. HAHA. Me and Hafi kept on trying to guess whether they are using their actual voices or lip sync-ing then we concluded that its their real voice. HAHA. I was bored sitting there cuz Pei Rong wasn’t beside me and I don’t have that much to talk with Hafi. The Singapore performance is done by the TP people and they are such a wild bunch of people. Sang Auld Lang Syne and the delegates all went home. Then we all talked to Siew Keow and me, Abigail and Zhi Kang cabbed home. I was telling Zhi Kang before we took cab, ‘eh you remember my house right. You lead the way while I sleep.’ HAHA. And I wasn’t really intending to sleep. But the uncle was playing Gold 90 so ended up I slept and only realise when it reached my house carpark. HAHA. Thank god for Zhi Kang. HAHA. Was damn shag cuz its like 1am? Still have GEMS some more.

Overall, CAFEO was a success and Er. Lee Bee Wah specially mentioned the student ambassadors from SP to Siew Keow and she was damn happy with us. HAHA. And we even get to write our contact information in case there is future events to help out in. =) And I made friends with the 03 people. It always surprises me that I can make friends quite easily. HAHA. The few of them that I was hanging out during the event:
PHT. Hia Pei Rong Mary-Anne (HAHA!).Elizabeth.Joanne. Karol. Gary. Kai Liang. Zhi Kang.Hafi.Abigail. And some others that I forgot their names. HAHAHAHAHA. Thanks a lot for the company. =)

Thursday, 03/12/09
Guess what? I overslept and did not go for GEMS. HAHA. PHT managed to wake up though. HAHA. Was like super tired la. The whole day was a blur today. So sorry to both my GEMS group and RE PRO group for not presenting. Was totally brain dead la. Still have a lot to catch up with. At least I know I settled my dance stuffs. I wonder why some people so irritating keep on asking me about LOA then when its ready don’t know how to go take. Like wtf. Okay la bye. I haven’t eat dinner. Reached home and slept til like 9pm. Been watching TV. HAHA.

Friday, 04/12/09, 11.19pm
All my classes are like cancelled today but there was still the makeup lesson so I still have to come to school. Going to the lesson is quite a waste of my time cuz I didn’t really listen. I know I should but my concentration nowadays is really slipping. At least I get to see EC because I came to school. And then went to meet Sabieee and Jieling in clubhouse. Then went to library to study. Saw EC there. HEH. Sabieee was like wah so hunky. HAHA. Studied Negligence. Okayla at least I got the gist of it but the details are not exactly in my head. You know my memory. And anyway it is the last paper. Then Augiee (NEW NAME FOR AUGUSTIN! HAHAHAHA) called Jieling and we went to IMM to get Allen’s present. Had trouble deciding what to buy. Shopping with Augiee is not fun at all. He likes to stray away from the actual purpose and takes damn long to make his choice. Bought for Allen headphones. The colour nice! Hope he likes it. HAHA. Then head to Swensen’s for dinner. The rest haven’t reach so its just the four of us. When at last they came, ordered food. Fish and chips again. Yes, that’s twice this week. And I am seriously damn broke laaa. Only left with 200 bucks from my ITP pay. Hope I get my SIWW pay soon and looking forward to CAFEO pay as well. Though its not that much. Saw an adidas watch ad in 8 days. OMG super chio. I want. And I want iTouch as well. Its like freaking expensive laa. Totally have to save up for it cuz no way is my dad or my mum or my sis going to sponsor me any amount at all. Annoying. I hope I get more events then I can save up more. MST in 2 days time and guess what, I haven’t start. Not counting the Law that I did just now. Yeah I should start panicking but I’m not. HAHA. BYEE.

PS. I need new clothes. I’m wearing the same thing everyday to school as I’m getting sick of my tees. :/
PSS. I'll upload some pics soon! My blog is too infested with words already. HAHA.

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