Friday, December 11, 2009


MSTs are like finally over. And lets just say that I totally screwed the fucking paper. I had Negligence at my fingertips before I went to bed including case laws, mind you. Then when I read the question I was like, oooh I know this case law then I pause and I was like, shit I don't remember already. What's frustrating is that I actually studied so hard for it!! I mean if I don't get Occupier's Liability and Vicarious Liability's case laws I won't be so frustrated cuz I only studied that like 5 in the morning. TSKK. What an ass. Whatever la, I better pass for the paper or else I'll get super depressed.

After that went to town with Debbie, Wanyu, Cassie and QiuYan. Walked around Wisma I think or is it Taka? Haiya don't know la. With my zero sense of direction. Then went to Ion after that. Spent quite alot. Though not as much as Deb. Tsk that women arh too overflowing with money already. I bought 2 nail polish. Metallic black and purple. So chio. And its only $9 each laa. From LA Girl. HAHA. Compared to FaceShop one it lasts waaay longer. Also bought a whole set of studs I think there's like 6 pairs from Diva for $13. Its been sooo long since I last bought studs! Oh then went Muji and bought my usual marshmallows. Freaking nice. Oh I forgot to say when we were walking there was this cute Caucasian guy. Really cute okay! Cuter ABIT than my Vezok. Then when we on the train there's this Chinese guy who is not bad looking either but super tall. Oh that reminds me, I forgot to reply to Vezok. HEH.

The nail polish that I bought. The purple looks like blue from here. And metallic black!!

Marshmallows. Plain tiny ones and lemon with jelly. $1.90 each only! Nice.

Ear studs!

The dance steps made them look abit gay and Hyun Joong is not inside BUT I still like the song. =)

Downloading Hi, My Sweetheart now! Somehow downloading in school is faster. TSK. I'm going to have a pretty busy holidays. What with assignments to be done and not forgetting a concert, stationery shopping and shopping in general, 2 bbqs all planned out for me. I want to watch New Moon. =(

Having a super terrible headache. By the way, the SEA Games Swimming rocks.

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