Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why should I even care

Okay let's see. Work on Friday was okay. Have a lot of fun with PHT as usual. Not much to do. Then went to Grandma's place. Took the bus and it was like freaking far and not like what it shows at the bus stop and I was panicking thinking that I'm lost as usual (don't laugh Sabieee). Anyway reach there, ate and slept. HAHA.

So today, dance was syiok. But still frustrating cuz I can't seem to dance well. My movements are becoming more and more awkward I think. :/
Gave Sabieee and Gladys their presents. Hope they like it! And then celebrate just by eating cake during the potluck. Nowadays I find it hard to plan surprises cuz I'm scared that it won't turn out okay. Anyway, hope they don't mind. Potluck is kind of boring. Nothing that interesting. Honestly I should have gone to work. HAHA.

Doing Law now. I think Debbie's gonna kill me cuz I'm sending in so late. And there's really alot of things to do but I can't seem to focus. Haizz. Not in the mood at all. I don't know why I'm even thinking about him. I mean it was like 3 weeks only and nothing exceptionally special happen and I don't know why I can't get over him. I still check to see whether he's online everytime I logged in (which he is now) and I will check his Facebook whether he added new friends (which he did so I have no idea why he did not reply my message. What's the point of him asking me that question then?!). So irritating. And my V is forever MIA. And R didn't sms me today. What a sad sad life. Only facing my tutorials. Haiz.

I really hope that everything will be okay for CAFEO on Monday to Wednesday. Good luck to me and hope I won't be like some blur kukuhead there. HAHA.

Okay I'm done with Law. Feel like drinking MILO. Shall drink some, read 8 days then sleep. HAHA. Things to do tomorrow:
1) Construction research
2) Briefing at IES, 5pm (didn't go cuz I suddenly have fever)
3) Work Breakdown Structure for Project Management
4) Precedence Diagram for Project Management
5) Start on Resource Procurement presentation (THURSDAY!!)
6) Do helpers schedule for CAFEO 27 (BEFORE TUESDAY!)

DOINKKK. I want to die liao. So sleepy. I haven't had enough rest since like before Waves and I still have no time to see doctor. And guess what, my flu is back. How nice. Okay la. Bye.

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