Monday, November 23, 2009

Just let it be this way

The internet connection is freaking lousy here in Civic Centre library. TSKK. And I can't find a freaking power plug that I can use without sharing or asking anyone. TSKK. Sucks when even in your own home, you have to fight to use the internet and you are left with no choice but to use in places where there are internet access (ie: library and school).

Was slacking in clubhouse just now. Sleeping and playing Monopoly with Sabieee and Allen. Then Jieling came along and discovered that she has Facebook. Yes, I shall announce it here as well. HEH. Eh Jieling, I add you already! Go accept. HAHA.

SO. Today is such a drag and I realise that my LOA for CAFEO is next week so I have to start informing the teachers I can't come this week. Haizzzz.

Okayla I better do something productive before my battery die on me.

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