Friday, April 17, 2009

Whatever Will Be

Wednesday, 150409 (written 160409, 11.30 PM)

Super long day. Went out at 8.30am to help out in Riverside SYF.
The girls were having some talk to get them in the mood to dance.
It’s a tribute to the China’s earthquake so ya, they’re supposed to be sad.
All of them were crying after the talk.
Went on to do makeup. I did their eyeliner for them. =)
They practiced two times at the school hall. Damn good. I was getting goosebumps especially with Debbie Stuart, the lead dancer’s expression. It was super good.

Watched the other schools perform. Some were good, others were forgettable.
And RIVERSIDE was DOPE! Although that straight line part wasn’t the same timing but it looks like intentional domino so it’s okay. HAHA.
After the performance, ALL of the girls were crying. I think they were already crying backstage as Rekha was saying about her used tissues. LOL. So I guess they were crying during the performance too! Which is really good. So proud of them. =)

Rushed back to school for Moderners meeting. Oh was really hungry so we ate at KFC first. Some of the moderners met us there.
The new FC5 has its good and bad points. There were plugs all over the place so it’s really good when you want to use your laptop. The bad thing is, they tried to be very Zen with the chairs and tables. As a result, I think there would be a problem of not enough place to sit.
Anyway the meeting was urm. Ok. Although can tell that Gladys is pretty nervous talking to us. And I started crying when Char cried. Its just a natural reaction for me, I think, when I see people cry, it just happens.
And omg I have to kick out 2 people. OMG.
I really hope that the moderners will stay together and excel together.
It doesn’t matter who leads, who’s the dance captain, who’s in the committee and who’s not. Moderners are moderners and if we don’t do what we’re supposed to do, we will go nowhere at all. We are not modern babies anymore.

Anyway, the showcase was dope dope dope dope!! The juniors are really good and their improvement is really very good. The battle really shows their talents that might have been hidden and really ALL of them did a great job.
I’m seriously considering going back to hip hop. Should I? :/

Went home really late and was freaking tired. Debbie asked me out. With Qide. Woohoo.

Thursday, 160409 (written 170409, 12.10 AM)

Went out with Debbie and Qide today. <3
Felt guilty as they didn’t get to eat their Carl’s Junior. Sorry.
Heh but we ate at Seoul Garden. =)
I like I like I like I like!
Was talking about BOTH the food and company btw.
Really too bad that Wanyu cannot make it. Or else it will be a full Circus Gang.
I heart all of them. =) Can’t wait for schooooooool.
All the bitching and the slacking and the laughing. <3

Took a nap when I came home. Freaking tired.
A lot of dance stuffs to be done. And messages to be sent.
I think I’ll bust my bill again. OH and I really want that Nokia phone. E63, I think.
The red is damn freaking chio can? HAHA. Will ask my dad.

Performance tomorrow. The place is damn small. URGH.
By the way.
OMG FREAKING HAPPY. Although I wasn’t dancing but it’s the first time Modern dance achieved Gold and with honours at that! OMGOMGOMG. Ms Jenny is good. The moderners are good too. I’m sure they are like damn happy now. =)

Today’s TV is good. Ninja Warrior. American Idol. Criminal Minds. Hell’s Kitchen.
And V’s message too. <3 RKN.



Performance again today. This time for CLS event. Some polymer thing.
It sucks big time. First of all, the carpet is horrible. Secondly, we had to wait super long to perform. Thirdly, the kids are so hilarious. (not in a good way by the way)
While waiting, Mei Liang taught us An an’s choreography.
HAHA don’t think I got the hang of it yet. LOL. Aznita didn’t join in and Yus gave up halfway. LOL. Anyway, will practice again. =) Quite a fun choreo to do. I made up my mind. Will join hiphop with the new year 1 freshies. That way I will start from fresh. (though not really fresh cuz I was in beginner and junior class before) LOL. But figured that I don’t want to go through auditions all over again cuz I know most of the people and will be damn paiseh. LMAO.
Ate Macs after that. With Jie Ling, Jia Hui and Mei Liang. Talked about secondary school stuffs. HAHA.

Slept after that and was awoken by my mum and my dad fighting. Okay not fighting, just talking really loudly to each other and not good talking. Urgh I hate it when it happens.
Thank god Yus is out or she would hear it very clearly. I really pity my neighbours. :/

Dance tomorrow. I hope I will have fun and it will not be very tiring. I’m already exhausted with all the performances. Please do not kill me, Gladys (so drama!LOL).

V, where are you?

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