Sunday, April 19, 2009

He's just not THAT into me

I read like 3 chapters of the book He's Just Not That Into You. And its scarily true.
My sis and I was talking about this boy stuffs yesterday night and she sort of enlightened me on some things that I knew, but refused to acknowledge.

Anyway, after reading, I decided that I will be more realistic and not pine over things that are just mundane and a waste of time.

We talked about the things that I want in a guy and she kept on telling me that there's no such guy. But that's the thing. Right now, I'm fine with having my family and my friends. They are the ones who love me for who I am and accepts me the way I am. I don't need a guy in my life to make me happy. For me, happiness does not have to depend on anyone. What if that person is gone? Does that mean that my whole life is ruined and I can't be happy and laugh anymore? That's ridiculous, seriously. Bottomline is, my expectations are high because I don't really like the idea that I belong to one person. It would be very stifling and annoying. I hate being controlled and having the responsibility to answer messages and phone calls 24/7. Seriously, I'd rather play a million round of Alice Greenfingers than being attached to my phone.

According to the book, Excuses = Assholes.

So if he doesn't call or message when he say he will, don't make excuses for him. Like, 'Oh he's reall busy.' that sort of thing. If a guy is completely head over heels into a girl, he would even take that spare minute during his toilet break to call or message and say, 'Sorry, can't talk now. Really busy. Will talk to you later.' They have hands and they know the functions of a handphone perfectly well. There's nothing that hinders them in doing that.

Its really true, isn't it? I will read that book until finish. This post has become like a page in a self-help, motivational book. LOL.

XOXO. School is tomorrow. Can't wait. :D

Save me. V added me on FB. OMG.
Okay I know its good. But OMG.

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