Saturday, March 14, 2009


Just woke up. Damn tired from dance. And he's not online yet. WTH.

Okay I shall blog about yesterday.
Met up with Debbie, Wanyu and Qide.
I ate like super alot! And I think my tummy is getting bigger. LOL.
Anyway. Ate at Pastamania at Bugis Junction. Believe it or not, its the first time I'm eating there because I was never a fan of pasta. I guess its not that bad.
Then we walked to Haji Lane and then Arab Street. There wasn't much. Maybe cuz it was kind of early and I don't have the money so nothing really interests me. HAHA.
Went back to Bugis Junction and decided to have ice-cream at Swensen's.
Ordered two kinds. Damn nice.
There's a guy seating at a table next to us who ate like a whole earthquake all to himself. It is seriously huge and alot. Oh well so was the guy. Sat there and talked and talked and talked. Still felt like eating something else so we bought fries and calamari rings. YUM.
We went to Muji after that. Bought a packet of sweet. Damn cheap la. Not the clothes though.
Then we went to this kid's arcade and decide to play games.
HAHA naah we don't have deprived childhood just felt like embracing the inner child in us =)
Its still using tokens kind. 1 token = $1. And its still using the tickets thingy where you can redeem stuffs at the counter. I only remembered that from Timezone and that was years ago!
Our favourite game is Big Bessie.
Have to feed her with balls, supposedly to make her full and make her weight as heavy as possible. And she'll go like "YUM YUM." alot of times. Damn freaking funny.
Me and Wanyu had to go. But Debbie and Qide stayed to play some more. I wonder how many tickets they got and what they redeemed.. HAHA. And whether there was enough to redeem for the phone that Debbie wants (I doubt it though. Its like 300 tickets??)
Might be meeting them again next week. No idea when though. HAHA.

Okay so there was dance training today. I just like to use the word 'training'.
The stretching was gruelling.
The floorwork was spinning.
The chereo (this is us) was awesome.
The chereo (bye bye) was fun AND tiring.
I think that sums up everything.
Nevertheless I had fun cuz at least I know that I'm burning some fats from yesterday!
Was avoiding to go to my little sis's funfair at her school so went to eat lunch at Jurong Point with Yus.
Fish n Chips yo =)
By the time I came back I told my mum I was damn tired and went right to bed.
I have no idea whether I slept or not. But since I did not realise that my elder sis came in the room to sleep, I guess I did sleep. HMM.

Anyway, I think this holiday is dance dance dance dance and more dance.
The SP enrollment, preparation of chereo for showcase, normal trainings, dance sessions, admin stuffs. Its dance all week long. Not complaining though. At least I'm doing exercise! HAHA.

Okay he came online already. But why doesn't he talk to me?
TSK. 5 more minutes.

11.25 PM
Okay so I did talk to him.
But I'm not happy. Its either the cleaning OR the meeting yesterday.
And he's avoiding talking about the topic. TSK.
Its killing me.
And he's offline now to eat. Thank god for Sab.

I wonder whether Debs is okay.

11.41 PM
Okay another one's on the way. France this time =)
Can't wait. I guess it helps having spares.
Hmm that sounds sick. Ohwell whatever.

11.56 PM


F-bored. F-pissed.
I bet he's appearing offline. After all that on Wednesday.
I bet he was drunk and it was all bull*

f-irrittating really. Can't stand it. I must have been really stupid.
Anyway, my views on this kinda thing doesn't change so I have no idea why I'm still pissed off.
With myself obviously. Cuz I was swayed.
Am I? Ya I think I was.
Or else I won't be freaking happy.

Okay maybe this has to stop.
I have my friends. =)

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