Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lateeeerrr - edited

Okay Yus is already msging me to go out. She's soo gonna kill me.
I'm helping out in the SP enrolment.
Will update later.
Yes I booked the modem.
See ya later =)

7.59 PM
Finally online. And I don't know where did Debbie go.
Out of all days I decide to come online, Vezok decided to be offline today.
WALAUUUU. That sucks la.
Hope he will sign in later. It's only 1pm there, he might be in school.

Had a super long day yesterday.
Came to school at 12pm to meet up with Lumlum.
A whole load of things to do for secretary. Watched the performance.
Then went to sleep at SP Bagpipes clubhouse.
The clubhouse is damn big.
Met Sab at Jurong East and went to IMM first.
Then we went to Min's chalet for her birthday party.
It was fun I guess. I love to BBQ. HAHA!

Anyway, one day of not checking and there is like 26 emails not read.
And one was from Franko.
AND 47 notifications from Facebook. WTF.
Okay will go reply now.

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